Die Bayerische Staatsoper ist anlässlich der Münchner Opernfestspiele 2017 live im Internet zu erleben, mit Vorstellungen, aber auch beim Geschehen hinter und rund um die Bühne. Read More →

The Parliament of the Geneva Canton and the City of Geneva are in disagreement over the Opera house in Geneva. In 2015, the politians of both sides agreed that the Grand Théâtre would become a State institution. Since then, apparently the City council changed their position and is speaking now about a 50/50 responsibility, much do the anger of the Canton. Meanwhile the opera house pays the price for this disagreement. The Canton refuses to pay their share of the funding, no less then 3 millions Swiss Francs.

Giancarlo Guerrero

The Wroclaw Philharmonic announced the appointment of Giancarlo Guerrero, 48, as Music Director from the 2017/18 season. Guerrero, a native from Costa Rica, will continue as Music Director of the Nashville Symphony, a post he has held since 2009 and to which he has committed through the 2024-25 season, the Wroclaw Phil says.

Wegen unzureichender Probenmöglichkeiten im KKL, wo das Luzerner Sinfonieorchester seine Konzert-Residenz hat, sowie im Luzerner Theater will das Orchester nun im Süden Luzerns ein Probenhaus bauen. Das Probenhaus soll zur eigentlichen Heimstätte des LSO werden. Read More →

Stéphane Denève
(c) Henry Fair

Today, the St. Louis Symphony announced the appointment of French conductor Stéphane Denève, 45, as its next Music Director. Denève, who will serve as the St. Louis Symphony’s 13th Music Director, has been a frequent guest conductor with the orchestra since 2003.  His initial three-year contract begins with the 2019-2020 season. He will serve as Music Director Designate during the 2018-2019 season. Stéphane Denève will succeed David Robertson. Read More →

Rund 12.400 Besucher aus 42 Nationen sind zu den Pfingstfestspielen 2017 nach Salzburg gekommen. Dies ist ein Besucherplus von über 8% gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Read More →

Thierry Fischer
(c) Marco Borggreve

The Utah Symphony announced an extension of Thierry Fischer’s contract as Music Director through the 2021-22 season. The agreement extends the current contract, which was signed to expire in 2019. Swiss conductor Thierry Fischer (56) is in this position since 2011. Read More →

After the recent press articles disapproving Serge Dorny’s expenses as head of the Lyon Opera, followed by the more general justification by Dorny himself, the staff of the French opera house expresses their « deep indignation » and said they were « worried about the fallout and the bad image » that this affair could have on the theatre. The employees also criticize the « harassment of the female personnel, by some executives ». Bad air in Lyon!

Die Deutsche Orchestervereinigung DOV begrüßt Forderungen aus der nordrhein-westfälischen CDU, der Kultur im bevölkerungsreichsten deutschen Bundesland endlich wieder mehr Bedeutung zu geben. Read More →

Herbert Blomstedt
(c) M. Lengemann

Der frühere Kapellmeister des Gewandhauses zu Leipzig, Herbert Blomstedt, soll die Ehrenmedaille der Stadt Leipzig erhalten, teilte die Stadt am Dienstag mit. Blomstedt war von 1998 bis 2005 Kapellmeister und wird am 11. Juli dieses Jahres 90 Jahre alt. Read More →

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