At the relaunch of the International Violin Making Competition at the Conservatory of Rome, an international Jury selected the winners among contestants from 24 countries. 101 instruments were evaluated. The Swedish violin maker Jens Johnsson won Gold Medal (antique violins), and another Gold Medal was also awarded to the Milanese Roberto Muzio (basses). Silver medals went to the Russian Valery Prilipco (modern violins), the French David Leonard Wiedmer (antique violins) and South Korean Lee Seung Jee (violas) who also won two third prizes in the modern viola and modern violin categories. Bulgarian Milcev Pamen and Sergio Scaramelli from Ferrara, Italy, won Second prize (cellos and double bass). The Japanese Toru Ohashi, (antique violin) and Gabriele Pralea from Ferrara (double bass ) won bronze medals.

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