The Luxembourg Parliament passed a law which foresees, from the school year 2022/2023, that a majority of music lessons, including performing arts and dance lessons, will be offered free of charge at public music schools.
Claude Meisch, Minister of Education, Children and Youth, underlines the significant change entailed by this law: « High-quality music lessons that are free of charge and accessible to all children and young people contribute to their personal fulfilment and the development of their individual abilities. This support not only strengthens our culture and social cohesion, but also provides children and young people with key competencies for the future. »
Investing in music education is an important step in further developing the cultural life of our society and simultaneously upholding the traditions of a country. This is why efforts to pass music on from one generation to the next are so important. The value of music however goes far beyond this, as Philippe Dalarun (F), President of the European Music School Union (EMU), points out: « In the face of darkening European skies, it is more necessary than ever to let the beacon of humanism and of a culture accessible to all shine. The new law introducing free music lessons in Luxembourg is a remarkable step forward in this respect and an example to follow. I congratulate the government of Luxembourg for this groundbreaking initiative ».
The majority of lessons in music, performing arts and dance will be free of charge. Among others, the following will be free of charge: the three-year early musical, instrumental and dance training, with the respective subsequent general ear training, instrumental training, vocal training, dance training as well as theatre and speech arts training up to the first diploma (7 years in total).
In other terms, about two-thirds of the lessons currently offered as well as a large part of the subjects taught will be free of charge. In addition, the participation fees of lessons that are not free of charge will be limited to 100 euros per school year.