Per Nørgård
(c) Tine Harden

The Marie-Josée Kravis Prize for New Music at the New York Philharmonic, which recognizes a composer for extraordinary artistic endeavor in the field of new music, has been awarded to the Danish composer Per Nørgård. The Prize consists of $200,000 and a commission to compose a work for the New York Philharmonic. The Philharmonic will give the U.S. Premiere of Nørgård’s Symphony No. 3 as part of the second NY Phil Biennial in 2016.

The Chicago Symphony announces a second very important gift. The Chicago-based Negaunee Foundation has donated $15 million. Added to the gift of the Zell Family Foundation this makes a total income of $32 million for the CSO. Read More →

Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach
© C. P. E. Bach *1714/

Gestern eröffneten der Thomanerchor und das ‘Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra’, verstärkt durch Mitglieder des Leipziger Barockorchesters’, in Leipzig das diesjährige Bachfest, das vom 13. bis 22. Juni aus Anlass seines 300. Geburtstages Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs gewidmet ist. Das Motto ‘Die wahre Art’ erinnert an das bedeutendste Lehrwerk Carl Philipp Emanuels zur Musizierpraxis. Read More →

Stefan Blunier
(c) Thilo Beu

Der Schweizer Dirigent Stefan Blunier (49) wird 2016 seinen Vertrag als Generalmusikdirektor in Bonn nicht verlängern. Die Sparpolitik der Stadt sei daran Schuld, sagt er in einer Stellungnahme. Read More →

UK Culture Minister Ed Vaizey encourages theatres, galleries and other cultural venues to seek private funding as government and council grants are cut. Mr. Vaizey said every arts organization in BG should be able to attract philanthropy. He did not say, however, if in case of a completely privatized arts organization, he would shut down his then superfluous ministry.

Andrzej Panufnik

A host of high-profile concerts and events take place for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the distinguished international composer Sir Andrzej Panufnik (Sept 1914 – Oct 1991). Born in Poland, he spent half his life working in England and was knighted for his services to British music in his last year. Read More →

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association announced that the Zell Family Foundation has made a $17 million contribution to the CSOA’s endowment and general operating funds. This gift provides for the naming, in perpetuity, of the position of Music Director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, which has been held by Riccardo Muti since 2010. Read More →

Ludwig van Beethovens nun 200 Jahre alte Oper ‘Fidelio’ wird ab dem 28. Juni sieben Mal im Hof des ehemaligen Zuchthauses Cottbus aufgeführt. Dabei werden Musik und Wirklichkeit sehr eng verbunden, denn als Theaterkulisse dient nicht anderes als das größte politische Gefängnis der ehemaligen DDR. Singen war dort einst verboten. Read More →

Peter Seabourne

UK composer Peter Seabourne continuous his ‘Steps’ piano series with Italian record label Sheva. This is a set of large scale piano cycles, currently standing at five volumes. Volumes 2 and 3 are already released. Volume 4 is recorded and manufactured ready for general release in July; Volume 5 will be recorded in January 2015 and Volume 1 soon after. ‘Steps’ stands apart from much in contemporary music. Pianist Max Lifchitz says: « Seabourne’s compositional style reveals rigorous craft and respect for tradition. His music wilfully disregards recent stylistic trends; however, it sounds distinctively modern. Unlike a lot of contemporary music, Seabourne’s writing rewards both the accomplished performer and the attentive listener. » Read More →

Lorin Maazel

Der seit Monaten schwer erkrankte Lorin Maazel (84) ist von seinem Posten als Chefdirigent der Münchner Philharmoniker zurückgetreten. Maazels Vertrag wäre eigentlich noch bis 2015 gelaufen. Danach sollte er von Valery Gergiev abgelöst werden.

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