Rumors were around since weeks, now it’s official: Quatuor Ebène is in search for a new viola player. Mathieu Herzog has decided, after 15 years, to quit his colleagues for a new orientation of his career.

The label Music & Arts released a CD by American pianist Eric Le Van entitled 'Exile' and featuring several world premieres by composers who fled Europe when nazism and fascism endangered their life. The recording provides valuable insight into the artistic life of Southern California, infused as it has been by émigré transplantation of a veritable golden age of achievement in music. Remy Franck made the following interview with Eric Le Van about his CD which is reviewed in our CD Reviews section.

What was the starting point to conceive the program of your CD Exile?
The idea of ‘Exile’ was not mine, but that of the President of Music & Arts Programs of America, the late Frederick Maroth. Mr. Maroth thought it would be musically and culturally significant to bring to light works by composers who fled Europe to settle in the Los Angeles area during the 1930s. Read More →

1919. Viola Sonatas; Barbara Buntrock, Bratsche, Daniel Heide, Klavier; 1 CD Cavi-Music 8553304; 6/13 (70’25) – Rezension von Guy Engels

Ohne das Engagement der rührigen amerikanischen Mäzenin Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge wären wir nicht in den Genuss dieser Aufnahme gekommen, vor allem würden dem Repertoire für die Viola wichtige Ecksteine fehlen. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge hat für einen von ihr gestifteten Wettbewerb sowohl die Sonate der Britin Rebecca Clarke als auch die Suite von Ernest Bloch angeregt. Paul Hindemith ergänzt mit seiner Sonate diesen fruchtbaren Jahrgang 1919. Read More →

Together with Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) publishers Bärenreiter and J.B. Metzler will bring the print edition of their large music encyclopedia ‘Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart’ (MGG, in German) on the Internet. Read More →

Das audiophile deutsche Label ‘audite’ bietet jetzt auf der eigenen Website ‘High Resolution Downloads’ an. Eine erste Auswahl von Produktionen im neuen Download-Format ist ab sofort erhältlich. Alle Neuveröffentlichungen werden bereits ab dem Veröffentlichungsdatum auch als ‘High Resolution Downloads’ angeboten. Die Liste wird ständig erweitert, bis der gesamte ‘audite’-Katalog verfügbar ist. Read More →

The San Francisco Symphony (SFS) will release a new live recording of the first-ever concert performances of Leonard Bernstein’s complete score for the musical West Side Story featuring a cast including Cheyenne Jackson and Alexandra Silber, and the SFS Chorus, on June 10, 2014. The two-disc set available from the SFS Media label includes a 100-page booklet featuring a new interview with conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, notes from Rita Moreno and Jamie Bernstein, as well as a West Side Story historical timeline, archival photographs, complete lyrics, and rehearsal and performance photos. Read More →

Almost four years after Henryk Górecki’s death, his Symphony No.4 (Tansman Episodes) received its premiere yesterday by the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Andrey Boreyko at the Royal Festival Hall. Performances by co-commissioners the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Zaterdag Matinee series at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam follow in the 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons respectively. Read More →

Immer wieder gibt es Testverfahren, um die Qualität alter Geigen und sogar so berühmter wie jene von Stradivari gegenüber neuen Instrumenten zu untersuchen. Der Geigenbauer Andreas Hudelmayer hat jetzt neue Ergebnisse veröffentlicht.

Following the lead of other orchestras, the Seattle Symphony Orchestra launches this year its own record label. The first releases on ‘Seattle Symphony Media’ will be available for download on 1 April, and as CDs on 29 April. They comprise recent performances of works by Maurice Ravel, Camille Saint-Saëns, George Gershwin, Charles Ives and Henri Dutilleux. Seattle Symphony recorded a lot under Gerard Schwarz, and most of it is available in the Naxos catalogue. Obviously the new music director Ludovic Morlot would like to be heard in a repertoire that Naxos has already published and will not record again.

One of the most prominent flutists performing today, Sir James Galway makes his expertise available through this innovative online teaching series – First Flute. Through this course, Sir James shares his technical advice, personal practice methods, and secrets for success with flutists seeking to improve their skills. ‘First Flute’ includes 15 lessons of video instruction, important basics like proper posture and fingering, tips & cautions, a practice room with downloadable sheet music, an extensive glossary of musical terms as well as concert footage.

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