Piotr I. Tchaikovsky: Symphonie Nr. 7 in Es-Dur (1891/92, rekonstruiert von Semjon Bogatyryov), Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 3 Es-Dur op. posth. 75 (1893); Lilya Zilberstein, Klavier; Gürzenich-Orchester Köln, Dmitrij Kitajenko; 1 SACD Oehms Classics OC 672; 2012/13 (56'42) – Rezension von Remy Franck

Mit dieser SACD wird der großartige Tchaikovsky-Zyklus mit Dmitrij Kitajenko und dem Gürzenich-Orchester Köln abgeschlossen. Echte Raritäten sind hier zu hören, die rekonstruierte Siebte Symphonie in Es-Dur und das aus dem ersten Satz dieser Symphonie entstandene Dritte Klavierkonzert. Read More →

Currently a ‘news’ circulates in the international press and on the Internet, telling people that a long lost opera by Enrique Granados has been discovered and will soon have its first performance in Spain since 1899. The opera’s name is ‘María del Carmen’. However, that’s an opera I reviewed early in 2005 when the live recording from a staging at The Theatre Royal, Wexford, was published by Marco Polo. It was in Wexford on 23 October 2003 where ‘María del Carmen’ received its first performance outside Spain. Read More →

Our readers might know the ‘Orquesta Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias’ from recordings the ensemble made for Naxos. We recently had the opportunity to hear it live, at the ‘Auditorio Príncipe Felipe’ in Oviedo, conducted by Chinese conductor Perry So, with Canzonas & sonatas by Gabrieli, the Symphony in C by Stravinsky as well as Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto played by the young British pianist Teo Gheorghiu. Read More →

Audiences for orchestras in the UK have grown by 16% since 2010 with over 4.5m people now attending an orchestral concert every year, according to a report by the Association of British Orchestras. Nonetheless, in spite of the positive growth in attendance, the income for British orchestras has fallen by 11% over the same time period. The ABO has put this decrease down to audiences plumping for cheaper ticket options in times of financial austerity. Public funding for orchestras has fallen by 14%, while donations and sponsorship have gone up by 30%. Read More →

Three suspects have been arrested in connection with the theft of the ‘Lipinski’ Stradivarius violin in Milwaukee. But the search for the priceless instrument continues, MPD Chief Edward Flynn announced Wednesday. The missing Strad, stolen from Milwaukee Symphony’s concertmaster Frank Almond has been given an insurance value of $5 million.

The Sydney Opera House just launched ‘Own Our House’, a unique fundraising campaign that gives people in Australia and around the world the opportunity to show their support for the Opera House by buying a virtual tile on the tallest roof sail of the Opera House, known as A2. It covers the Concert Hall and has more than 125,000 tiles. Read More →

This 22nd of October is a very important day for classical music in Budapest. On Franz Liszt’s 202nd birthday, the Liszt Academy reopens the concert centre of this unique music university which provides lessons in any possible music branch to its students and is also largely cooperating with foreign institutions. This explains the presence, at this opening day, of the rectors of music universities from all over Europe, Russia and Japan. Read More →

Die Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste verleiht in Verbindung mit der GEMA-Stiftung den mit 10.000 € dotierten Gerda und Günter Bialas Preis an den Komponisten und Cellisten Michael Denhoff (*1955). Read More →

Entering into his sixth season, Andris Nelsons (34), the music director for the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, has decided not to renew his current contract from the end of summer 2015. Nelsons says: « With an extremely heavy heart I have reached the decision not to continue in my role as music director with my beloved CBSO after the 2014-2015 season. Read More →

Piotr Tchaikovsky: Symphonie Nr. 4, Capriccio Italien; Gürzenich Orchester Köln, Dmitrij Kitajenko; 1 SACD Oehms Classics OC 671; 2010/11 /62'12) - Rezension von Remy Franck

Was Tchaikovsky im Jahre 1877 durchmachte, lässt sich nur annähernd erfassen. Es war nicht nur der Umstand, dass seine Ehe mit Antonina Miljukowa nur wenige Wochen dauerte und den Komponisten in Depressionen stürzte, sondern der Fakt, dass er überhaupt – um seine persönliche Sexualität zu übertünchen – diese Ehe einging, die gesellschaftlich wohl ‘richtig’, für ihn, den Menschen Tchaikovsky aber falsch sein musste. Das ließ seine Psyche in ein Gefühlschaos ohnegleichen stürzen. Zumindest einen Teil seiner inneren Aufruhr teilt er uns im ersten Satz der Vierten Symphonie mit. Read More →

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