Mino Marani
(c) Matthias Baus

Mehrere Gremien der Stadt Heidelberg haben sich für den 37-jährigen Italiener Mino Marani als neuen Heidelberger Generalmusikdirektor (GMD) ausgesprochen. Die Findungskommission hatte Mino Marani aus über 120 Kandidaten ausgewählt. Die Empfehlung wird nun an den Gemeinderat weitergegeben, der am 20. Juli 2023 endgültig entscheiden wird. Die Stelle des Generalmusikdirektors des Philharmonischen Orchesters Heidelberg wird mit Beginn der Spielzeit 2024/25 neu besetzt. Read More →

Andreas Schager übernimmt die Titelpartie in der Eröffnungspremiere der Bayreuther Festspiele am 25. Juli. Der 51-jährige Tenor springt für Joseph Calleja als Parsifal im gleichnamigen Wagner-Werk ein, nachdem Calleja aus gesundheitlichen Gründen abgesagt hat. Read More →

Jonathan Nott
Photo: Thomas Müller

After Jonathan Nott and the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande had agreed in 2021 upon a contract for an indefinite term both partners now have specified the duration of their collaboration, which will extend for a further 3 years, until 2026. At that moment the British conductor will have been for nine years at the helm of the Swiss orchestra.

Domingo Hindoyan

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra today announced that Chief Conductor Domingo Hindoyan, 43, will extend his contract until July 2028. Armenian-Venezuelan Hindoyan joined the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra as Chief Conductor in September 2021. He also holds the position of Principal Guest Conductor of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra.

The Classeek Ambassador Programme which aims to support young musicians in the ever changing landscape of the classical music industry today announced the names of the selected musicians. Read More →

In partnership with The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation the IMZ Academy announces a Workshop providing directors, filmmakers and members of a digital + production team in orchestras or broadcast media a chance to master advanced course under the tutelage of Peter Maniura and international experts like script supervisor Yvonne Craven. Read More →

Yury Revich

Der österreichische Geiger Yury Revich, der 2015 mit dem Young Artist Award der International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) ausgezeichnet wurde, präsentiert sich dem Publikum jetzt auch zunehmend als Komponist. Nachdem sein allererstes Werk, das Violinkonzert Awakening letztes Jahr in Salzburg erfolgreich Debut feierte, wurde erst kürzlich seine erste Symphonie, Kaleidoskope, in London in der St. Georges’ Cathedral ebenfalls erfolgreich uraufgeführt. Read More →

The board of directors of the San Antonio Philharmonic, an orchestra created in 2022 as a successor to the San Antonio Symphony, has taken « the landmark step of naming an executive director », a press release says. Its choice, Roberto Treviño, is an architect in private practice and former three-term District 1 City Council member. He served on the Philharmonic board during its inaugural season. Read More →

(c) Remy Franck

After a year and a half of restoration of the roof over the stage house in 1921/22, restoration of the facade has begun at the Garnier Opera House in Paris. Specifically, the facade will be cleaned, the gilding and wall sculptures will be restored, and an anti-graffiti treatment will be applied. The cost of 7.2 million euros is financed by advertisement. Read More →

Luxembourg has entered a partnership with Impuls Neue Musik, making it a new member country of the fund which favors collaborations between Germany, France, Switzerland and henceforth Luxembourg in the field of  contemporary music, trying to boast exchanges between French-speaking and German-speaking linguistic and cultural spaces. Read More →

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