What in 2009 might have seemed like a utopian undertaking is now an established reality in the field of musicological research and musical production: Palazzetto Bru Zane. Stefano Pagliantini from the Italian ICMA Jury member Musica talked with Alexandre Dratwicki, scientific director of the French Romantic Music Centre Palazzetto Bru Zane whose recording label is Label of The Year at the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA).

2024 marks an important milestone for Palazzetto Bru Zane: 15 years of activity at the highest levels, label of the year at the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA), winner of the “Premiere recordings” section with the recording, in the usual and luxurious format of the book — CD, of Ariane by Jules Massenet. Read More →

Italian Orazio Sciortino (*Syracuse, 1984) has been chosen by the jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) for their annual Composer Award. He is a musician with a wide-ranging catalog and an intense dedication to the interpretation of the classical repertoire as a pianist. Ismael G. Cabral from the Spanish ICMA Jury member Scherzo made the following interview.

At what point in your career does this ICMA award come to you?
It’s not easy to have a perception of yourself, of the road you have traveled. I think I might be able to answer that question in 20 years, or maybe more. I will be 40 years old, and that is a round and relevant number at which it might make sense to take stock. Read More →

Today, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association (CSOA) Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the recommendation of the CSOA Music Director Search Committee to appoint Finnish conductor Klaus Mäkelä as the next Music Director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO): the eleventh in the ensemble’s 133-year history. Read More →

Turkish pianists Güher and Süher Pekinel have been awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award of ICMA. This award is highly justified for the almost fifty years that Pekinels have graced the international stage, starting from the 1980’s when only a handful of Turkish musicians could find their way into the classical music scene. Their unique musicality, stage presence and deep artistic knowledge have paved the way to this very important award.The Pekinels have devoted most of their time, in recent years, to educational projects and preparing talented young musicians from all over Turkey to the concert stage and are therefore one of the most hard-working musical ambassadors present. They have been interviewed by Feyzi Ercin, from the Turkish Jury member Andante.

You are a duo with countless achievements and numerous awards. What does an award signify to an artist, and what does this one specifically mean to you?
The ICMA Award has once again proven to be a significant source of motivation for us. Foremost among its merits is the recognition of our endeavors by fellow musicians, serving as an indicator of our resonance within the artistic realm. Read More →

Georg Philipp Telemann: 12 Fantasien für Violine ohne Bass; Patrick Oliva, Violine; # Triton TRIHORT 581; Aufnahme 2023; Veröffentlichung 22.03.2024 (79'56) – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Für Interessierte sind die zwölf Fantasien für Violine ohne Bass von Georg Philipp Telemann eine eigene Gebirgslandschaft, die man sich erwandern muss. Vielleicht bieten sie von der Musik her nicht die hohen Gipfel wie die Partiten und Sonaten von Bach, aber deswegen sind sie noch lange nicht zu missachten. Read More →

Romanian soprano Aida Pascu was named Young Artist of the Year 2024 of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA). The 24-year-old singer answers the questions of Irina Vasilescu, a Senior Producer of ICMA Jury member Radio Romania Muzical.

Aida Pascu was born and raised in a musical family, both her parents being opera singers. She was part of the Children’s Choir of the National Bucharest Opera and she studied classical singing at the Bucharest Music University with tenor Ionel Voineag. The soprano also participated in masterclasses given by renowned artists, such as Nelly Miricioiu and Raina Kabaivanska. Aida Pascu has a special relationship with the famous Bulgarian soprano, who has become her mentor. Read More →

Bach’s St Matthew Passion in the staging by Peter Sellars is one of the landmarks of the Simon Rattle era with the Berliner Philharmoniker. In this haunting version, Bach’s monumental work is not only explored from a new perspective; in a way never seen before, the Philharmonie itself proved to be a great venue for staged performances. The Berlin Philharmonic is now offering this production free in its Digital Concert Hall. Read More →

Slovenian violinist Igor Ozim, died in Salzburg last Saterday. He was 92 years old. After studying thge violin in his country, he received in 1949 a British Council scholarship to study in the UK. He spent three months at the Royal College of Music learning Elgar’s Violin Concerto in B minor under one of its greatest exponents, Albert Sammons, followed by two years studying with Max Rostal. Read More →

Johannes Brahms: Klavierkonzerte Nr.1 & 2; Michael Korstick, Klavier, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Constantin Trinks; # Hänssler Classic HC23082; Aufnahme 09.2023, Veröffentlichung 25.03.2024 (101') – Rezension von Remy Franck

Das Coverbild dieses Albums zeigt sowohl den Pianisten Michael Korstick als auch den Dirigenten Konstantin Trinks. Das deutet darauf hin, dass sich die beiden gemeinsam bemühen, diesen zwei symphonischen Konzerten von Johannes Brahms den richtigen Charakter zu geben. Gleich im ersten Satz des ersten Konzerts spürt man diese kongeniale Zusammenarbeit, wenn Trinks mit dem Orchester trillernd auf die Triller des Pianisten antwortet. Read More →

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Symphonien; Akademie für Alte Musik; # Harmonia Mundi 902317; Aufnahme 11.2022, Veröffentlichung 25.03.2024 (60'53) – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Sieben der 19 Symphonien von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach stellen die Interpretationen der Akademie für Alte Musik vor. Dabei haben sie fünf Werke mit Streichern ausgewählt, das einzeln stehende Werk in e-Moll mit der Nummer 177 des Alfred Wotquenne Verzeichnisses sowie vier der sechs Symphonien aus Wq 182, die Hamburg entstanden sind, aber die Bach dem Baron Gootfried van Swieten widmete, den er zuvor in Berlin kennengelernt hatte. Dazu kommen zwei gemischte, also auch mit Bläsern besetzte Symphonien, C-Dur Wq 174 und D-Dur Wq 176. Read More →

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