Pianist and pedagogue Jenö Jando died at the age of 71, our colleagues prom Papageno reported. Jando was born in 1952 in Pécs. He began studying piano in his hometown and was admitted to the Academy of Music in 1968. His career began with successful national and international competitions. Read More →

After a multi-year search, the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra has announced the selection of Adam Johnson as Music Director, effective July 1, 2023. Johnson, a native of Canada, assume the role as of today, July 1. He replaces Timothy Muffitt, longtime MD and conductor for the symphony, who retired after the 2019-2020 season. Read More →

The  label Le Palais des Dégustateurs publishes two works, Les Complies and L'Office de Prime, by Joachim Havard de la Montagne. This French composer, organist and choirmaster, who was born in Geneva-Plainpalais in 1927 and died in Argenteuil in 2003, deserves our attention. Here's an interview by Remy Franck with the musician's son, Denis Havard de la Montagne.

Your father composed in many genres of classical music, but he seems to have had a preference for religious vocal music. Where does this come from?
Indeed, if he has always been attached to religious music and vocal music in general, it’s because he sang in choirs from an early age. At the age of 9, he was already a member of a choir at the Institut Florimond du Petit-Lancy in Geneva, singing Compline in particular. His family lived in Geneva at the time, his father working for the League of Nations (forerunner of the UN). Read More →

Florence Price: Klavierkonzert  + Symphonie Nr. 1 e-Moll + His Resignation an Faith aus Ethiopia's Shadow in America; Jeneba Kanneh-Mason, Klavier, Chineke! Orchestra; 1 CD Decca 485 3996; Aufnahmen 11.2022, Veröffentlichung 23.06.2023 (61'09) - Rezension von Remy Franck

Kaum eine andere Komponistin wird dieses Jahr, dem siebzigsten seit ihrem Tod, so geehrt wie Florence Price. Das Klavierkonzert in einem Satz wurde 1934 in Chicago mit Price selbst als Solistin uraufgeführt. Danach blieb es lange Zeit verschollen. Obwohl es technisch gesehen aus einem Satz besteht, gibt es drei verschiedene Abschnitte, die ohne Unterbrechung gespielt werden. Read More →

After an 18-month search, the Winston-Salem Symphony (North Carolina) announced 30-year-old American conductor Michelle Merrill as Music Director. Merrill replaces Timothy Redmond, who unexpectedly resigned in August 2021, after a little more than two years. Read More →

Manuel de Falla: El corregidor y la molinera  + El sombrero de tres picos; Carol Garcia, Mezzosopran, Serena Perez, Mezzosopran, Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga, José María Moreno Valiente; 1 CD IBS 82023; Aufnahmen 02.2022, 01.2023, Veröffentlichung 16.06.2023 (78'10) - Rezension von Remy Franck

Manuel de Falla komponierte seine Farsa mímica (Pantomime) El corregidor y la molinera in den Jahren 1916 und 1917 nach einem Theaterstück von Martínez Sierra, das auf dem Roman von Pedro Antonio de Alarcón basiert. Read More →

Clarinetist Ivan Valbuena Paez who performs with the San Antonio Philharmonic has been awarded the National Association of Latino Arts and Culture’s Fund for the Arts grant for 2023. Valbuena was selected for the A Dos Music Project, a clarinet duet he co-created with his wife, Luz Sarmiento, DMA, to expand the horizons of Latin music. Read More →

British conductor Jan Latham-Koenig is conducting Mahler’s Second Symphony on June 16 at the Novaya Opera Theatre in Moscow, a Pizzicato reader found out,  asking: « If this is true, how can @festivalpuccini hire a conductor with ties with #PutinWarCriminal’s regime? Mayor Giorgio Del Ghingaro, President Luigi Ficacci, are you aware? » That’s the right questions, of course.   Read More →

Giuseppe Scarlatti: I portentosi effetti della Madre Natura; Ensemble 1700, Rupert Charlesworth (Sopran), Filippo Mineccia (Alt), Roberta Mameli (Sopran), Benedetta Mazzucato (Mezzosopran), Maria Ladurner (Sopran), Niccolò Porcedda (Bariton), Dana Marbach (Sopran), João Fernandes (Bass), Dorothee Oberlinger;  2 CDs Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 19658794542; Aufnahme 06.2022, Veröffentlichung 09.06.2023 (160’55) - Rezension von Guy Engels

Crash-Kurs im Menschwerden für Celidoro, den seit seiner Kindheit eingekerkerten König von Mallorca, der nun plötzlich seine Freiheit erlangt. Aber was anfangen mit dieser Freiheit? Wie zurechtkommen in der Welt – zudem noch als geborener Herrscher? Read More →

The Juilliard School in New York has announced that it fired composer Robert Beaser, the former head of its composition faculty, after an independent law firm investigated allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct against Beaser dating from the late 1990s and 2000s. Read More →

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