Carl St. Clair

The Pacific Symphony announced that Music Director Carl St.Clair, 70, reached an agreement with its board of directors to renew his contract as Music Director for at least another two seasons, while also encouraging them to look for his successor. Read More →

Israeli pianist Alexandra Segal won First Prize at the piano section of the 2022 George Enescu International Competition. The second and third prizes were awarded to pianists George Todica (Romania) and Chun Lam U (Hong Kong). Read More →

Justus Frantz
Photo: BEAT

Deutschen Medienberichten zufolge musste der Pianist und Dirigent Justus Frantz, 78) einen ICE-Zug der Strecke Hamburg-Berlin verlassen, weil er keine Corona-Schutzmaske trug. Read More →

Corinna Niemeyer
(c) Simon Pauly

Das abenteuerliche Jahresprogramm des Orchestre de Chambre de Luxembourg (OCL) macht mit seinen neuen Ideen, spannenden Projekten und interessanten Solisten wirklich neugierig. Bereits mit ihrem ersten Konzert in dieser Spielzeit setzt die künstlerische Leiterin und Chefdirigentin Corinna Niemeyer Akzente. Alain Steffen war bei diesem ersten Konzert des OCL für Pizzicato dabei. Read More →

Philharmonie Luxembourg
(c) Wade Zimmermann

Nach der Sommerpause starteten das Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg und Chefdirigent Gustavo Gimeno mit einem guten, wenn auch nicht überragenden Konzert in ihre neue Spielzeit. Unser Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen war dabei und schildert seine Eindrücke. Read More →

Maurizio Pollini
(c) Cosimo Filippini

After the 80-year-old Italian pianist Maurizio Pollini had to cancel a concert at the Salzburg Festival at short notice on August 21 due to acute heart problems, the artist has now cancelled a tour in the United States on the advice of his doctor. Read More →

Débora Waldman

Dijon Opera has announced the appointment of Debora Waldman as Associate Conductor. As part of this collaboration, she will conduct an opera in Dijon each year, the house says. Read More →

Der Gründer und langjährige Dirigent des Württembergischen Kammerorchesters Heilbronn ist verstorben. Das teilte das Orchester mit. Geboren wurde Jörg Faerber 1929 in Stuttgart. Zunächst musikalischer Oberleiter des Theaters Heilbronn, gründete Faerber 1960 das WKO. In kürzester Zeit führte er den Klangkörper zu internationalem Renommee. Read More →

Cristian Macelaru
(c) Sorin Popa

Romanian conductor Cristian Macelaru, 42, Music Director of the Orchestre National de France, signed the renewal of his contract until 2027. He assumed this position on September 1, 2020. Read More →

Due to the events in England the latest Karajan Community Letter focuses on Karajan’s activities in Great Britain. The new British king is a connoisseur of classical music and seems to have a preference for a particular recording of Karajan’s. Here is the link to this week’s Karajanist Community Letter. Read More →

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