While Anna Netrebko was applauded in the Cologne Philharmonie by an audience eager for her voice, numerous demonstrators protested outside the building. The singer’s concert was not without controversy. Read More →

Placido Domingo

This year’s program of the Arena di Verona announced a Verdi show with Placido Domingo as singer and a Turandot with the same artist as conductor. Both evenings have been called a flop by the Corriere della Sera. It is said that the singer repeatedly forgot his text and had several voice drops. At the end of the opera, the orchestra refused to stand when invited by Domingo. The musicians remained seated after what they considered a bad performance due to bad conducting by Domingo. Read More →

Daniel Barenboim
(c) Peter Adamik

Daniel Barenboim muss das Dirigat der Neuproduktion von Richard Wagners Der Ring des Nibelungen in der Inszenierung von Dmitri Tcherniakov, aus gesundheitlichen Gründen absagen. Christian Thielemann wird die musikalische Leitung des ersten und dritten Zyklus’ übernehmen. Der zweite Zyklus wird von Thomas Guggeis dirigiert. Read More →

Andriy Yurkevych

Ukrainian conductor Andriy Yurkevych has been named Music Director of the State Opera in Prague, part of the National Theatre. Andriy Yurkevych, resident conductor of the Lviv National Opera, who has lived in Italy for two decades, already conducted Verdi’s Traviata in Prague this year. He replaces Karl-Heinz Steffens. Read More →


Mit Auslastungszahlen von 96%, die jenen des Rekordjahres 2019 gleichen, gehen morgen die Salzburger Festspiele zu Ende. Ohne die gesundheitsbedingten Absagen von vier Vorstellungen wäre sogar ein neuer Rekord erreicht worden, teilte der Veranstalter mit. Es wurden über 240.000 Besucher aus 76 Nationen gezählt, darunter 37 außereuropäische. Read More →

Last Sunday, the Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir of Bogota managed to enter the Guinness Book of Records by organizing a concert at the Simon Bolivar Metropolitan Park that brought together more than 16,000 musicians, instrumentalists and choir singers, who performed excerpts from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Palomita de la Paz by Jairo Andrés Sáchica and Canción con todos by Cesar Isella. Read More →

Am 3. September geht die 35. Saison des Rheingau Musik Festivals zu Ende. Sie begann am 25. Juni und begriff 134 Konzerte an 25 Spielstätten. 104.566 Eintrittskarten (exkl. Sponsoren- und Pressekarten sowie Weihnachtskonzerte) wurden bislang verkauft, teilte der Veranstalter mit. Read More →

The Premio Bonporti 2022 will take place in Rovereto (Italy) from 25 to 30 October 2022.The competition is dedicated to Italian ensemble music of the period 1600c.-1750c., and presents some important innovations focusing in particular on the enhancement of the creative aspects of historical music. Information: https://premiobonporti.it/

Von 12. Juli bis 28. August besuchten über 17.000 Gäste aus aller Welt die Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik. Die Auslastung lag für insgesamt 53 Veranstaltungen bei 86 %, teilte der Veranstalter mit. Read More →

Paul Austin and Laura Ross have been re-elected to their positions of President and Secretary, respectively, of the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians (ICSOM) at ICSOM’s annual conference, held August 24–27, 2022 in Grand Rapids, MI. Read More →

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