Inwieweit darf eine Inszenierung Einfluss auf die komponierte Musik nehmen? Diese Frage stellt sich unser Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen bei Mozarts Entführung aus dem Serail in der Vision von Luk Perceval, die diese Woche zweimal im Grand Théâtre gespielt wird. Read More →
Polish conductor Barbara Dragan, 33, has been named Young Associate Conductor of the Orchestre National de France for the 2022-2023 season. She will assist Music Director Cristian Macelaru during his concert series, accompany him on tour in Germany and Austria, conduct a recording as well as several pedagogical concerts, and lead the next edition of Viva l’Orchestra. Read More →
An offer by the newly formed San Antonio Philharmonic to purchase the former San Antonio Symphony’s assets has been accepted and transacted as of September 27, the orchestra says in a news release. Read More →
The Mahler Chamber Orchestra announced that from 2024 on, they will be the first ensemble ever to be Artistic Director of the Musikwoche Hitzacker as a collective. Hitzacker an der Elbe is a town in Lower Saxony, Germany. Read More →
Two days ago, Deutsche Grammophon announced a partnership with Renaud Capuçon (link to the Pizzicato news piece). In the press release, Dr. Clemens Trautmann, President of Deutsche Grammophon, says: « …he is the first French violinist signed to DG since Christian Ferras, one of his great sources of inspiration. » Trautmann is wrong. Read More →
Weitaus besser als Ivan Fisches Interpretation der Eroica vom Vortag war Christoph Königs Interpretation der 5. Symphonie von Beethoven, weil dynamischer, mitreißender und spannender. Das fand unser Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen, der das Auftakt-Konzert der neuen Solistes Européens Luxembourg-Spielzeit in der Philharmonie besucht hat. Read More →
Der deutsche Dirigent Elias Grandy (*1980), der seit 2015 Generalmusikdirektor der Stadt Heidelberg ist, wird das Theater und Orchester zum Ender dieser Saison verlassen, teilte der Veranstalter mit. Nach acht Jahren werde der Vertrag « in beiderseitigem Einvernehmen » aufgelöst. Grandy will in nächster Zukunft als Gastdirigent arbeiten.
Brazilian violinist Guido Felipe Sant’Anna, 17, won First Prize at the 2022 Fritz Kreisler International Violin Competition in Vienna. 2nd Prize ex-aequo: Michael Shaham, 19, Israel. and Rino Yoshimoto, 19, Japan. Read More →
German conductor Johanna Soller (33) will be the first woman to become Artistic Director of the Munich Bach Choir and Orchestra. The conductor, harpsichordist and organist will join the ensembles at the start of the 2023/24 season. She will be the successor of Hansjörg Albrecht who led both ensembles as well as the Münchener Bach-Akademie for 17 years. He was the third Artistic Director, after Hanns-Martin Schneidt and Karl Richter who founded the ensemble and led it until his death in 1981. Read More →