Die Salzburger Festspiele trennen sich vom dem Unternehmen Solway, dem Verbindungen zum Kreml nachgesagt werden. Außerdem gibt es Vorwürfe gegen Solway wegen einer Nickelmine in Guatemala. Die Festspiele verzichten damit auf Sponsorengelder in Höhe von 150.000 Euro. Eine bereits geleistete Zahlung wurde angeblich zurückerstattet.
A fire at Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s estate and museum in Lyubensk has caused huge damage, destroying thousands of artefacts belonging to the composer. Rimsky-Korsakov died in 1908 in the burned down house which he had purchased as a home for his children. The fire is said to have been started due to “the negligence of builders” who were repairing the roof of the museum.
Der deutsche Bass René Pape, 57, hat mit einem zutiefst homophoben Kommentar auf die Beteiligung von Künstlern und Technikern der Metropolitan Opera an der Gay Pride in New York reagiert. Er will nicht mehr an die Metropolitan Opera zurückzukehren, schrieb er auf Facebook. Read More →
After Opera Europa, a service organization for opera companies and festivals, and FEDORA, an association supporting the renewal of opera and ballet, decided to fund the project Sustainable Costumes initiated by Oper Leipzig and the Icelandic Opera Harpa with 70,000 euros, this project is now on the way to take a good start, Oper Leipzig says in a press release. Read More →
Heftiger Regen beeinträchtigte die Premiere der Oper Carmen bei den Neustrelitzer Festspielen an der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte. Zuerst erforderte der Regen drei Extra-Pausen, in denen Wasser von der Bühne befördert werden musste. Und dann wurde die Premiere im Neustrelitzer Schlossgarten wegen wiederholter Regenschauer in der Mitte des letzten Aktes beendet. « Sie haben die erste Vorstellung gesehen, in der Carmen am Leben bleibt », kommentierte Intendant Müller.
The Seiji Ozawa Music Academy (The Juku) in Kyoto (Japan), an educational project that aims at nurturing young musicians through opera, established in 2000 under the leadership of conductor Seiji Ozawa,has named Venezuelan conductor Diego Matheuz as Principal Conductor of its orchestra. Read More →

Francesca Pia Vitale and Carles Pachon together with Liz Mohn, & Dominique Meyer
© Bertelsmann Stiftung
Francesca Pia Vitale (*1995) from Italy and Carles Pachon (*1995) from Spain won the 2022 Neue Stimmen International Singing Competition. Each of the two singers will receive €15,000 in prize money. They were chosen during the final round in the Stadthalle Gütersloh among 11 candidates. Francesca Pia Vitale is also the recipient of the Audience Prize. Read More →
The Chicago Symphony has announced that Columbian conductor Lina González-Granados, 34, will continue in her role as the Solti Conducting Apprentice, with two residencies planned next season in May and June 2023. She became the fourth Solti Conducting Apprentice in fall of 2019. Read More →
As of July 1, 2022, Thomas Lauriot dit Prévost will leave his position as General Director of the General Director of the Théâtre du Châtelet after five years in its service, to pursue other professional projects, a press release says. Read More →