Astrid Angvik, formerly associated with the Naxos Group, launches a new record label, Azure Sky. Angvik says: « My aim with Azure Sky is to use ‘blue sky thinking’ to present classical recordings to a modern, digital audience, and we have some interesting initiatives in store. It was not really my plan to do this, but having been contacted by several wonderful artists with a request to ‘do something’ – well, here we are! » Read More →
Boston Baroque has announced that the 2024-25 season will be Martin Pearlman’s last season as Music Director. He will take up the position of Music Director Emeritus once a successor is appointed. Read More →
The Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra in Poughkeepsie, NY, has appointed André Raphel as Principal Conductor and Artistic Advisor. His two-year term will begin with the start of the 2024-2025 season. He is conductor laureate of the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra, which he led as music director for 15 years. Other positions have included assistant conductor at the New York Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, and Saint Louis Symphony. Read More →
The Seattle Symphony has announced 51-year old conductor Xian Zhang as its next Music Director, beginning a 5-year contract in the 2025/2026 season. Zhang is a long-term collaborator with the Symphony, debuting at Benaroya Hall in 2008. Read More →
Das Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck (TSOI) bekommt einen neuen Chefdirigenten: Der lettische Dirigent Ainars Rubikis wird ab der Saison 25/26 diesen Posten bekleiden. Sein Vertrag läuft für drei Jahre. Read More →
Music director Jaap van Zweden earned just over $1.5 million from the New York Philharmonic in the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2023, and Deborah Borda received slightly more than $1.7 million in her final season as CEO.
In einem Offenen Brief setzt sich Kerstin Holm, Redakteurin im Feuilleton der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, für den in der Ukraine geborenen Komponisten mit russischem Pass, Vladimir Tarnopolski ein, der als Reaktion auf den Ukraine-Überfall Russlands Russland verlassen hatte, und der riskiert, am 10. September nach Russland abgeschoben zu werden, weil seine Situation nicht klar ist. Hier das Schreiben im Originalwortlaut: Read More →
Aus über 1.000 Bewerbern haben es 21 Frauen und 18 Männer aus 19 Ländern in die Endrunde des Internationalen Gesangswettbewerbs Neue Stimmen geschafft. Das Finale in Gütersloh findet am 11. Oktober statt.
Der dem russischen diktatorialen Kriegsregime nahestehende Dirigent Currentzis hat sein eigenes Label gegründet, angeblich in Zusammenarbeit mit Outhere, wo man anscheinend keine Bedenken hat, mit einer dubiosen Figur zusammenzuarbeiten. Read More →
More than half of UK musicians no longer tour the European Union, British media revealed.A survey conducted by the Musicians’ Union has found that 59 per cent of their members and the wider music community no longer see touring Europe as being financially viable. Read More →