American-German singer Jeremy Osborne is suing the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) for discrimination over an incident in October 2020. The singer told the Observer that he had been aggressed by BVG ticket inspectors during a control on the line U2. The 35-year-old baritone said he is only one of a string of people of color who say they have been singled out and physically abused by controllers on the public transport system in Berlin. Read More →
Markus L. Frank bleibt bis mindestens 2026 Generalmusikdirektor am Anhaltischen Theater Dessau. Bis dahin wurde sein Vertrag jetzt verlängert. Er ist seit 2016 auf diesem Posten. Read More →
The Queen Elisabeth Cello Competition in Brzsselks has announced the 12 finalists who are: Yibai Chen, Bryan Cheng, Hayoung Choi, Jeremias Fliedl, Stéphanie Huang, Woochan Jeong, Marcel Johannes Kits, Taeguk Mun, Samuel Niederhauser, Petar Pejčić, Oleksiy Shadrin, Sul Yoon. Read More →
The Hong Kong-born conductor Perry So has been appointed as chief conductor and artistic director of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra (OSG). The contract will take effect on September 1 and will be in effect for three seasons. Read More →
Das Schottische Kammerorchester war zu Gast in der Luxemburger Philharmonie und überwältigte mit Musizierlust, Elan und mit engagiert spritzigem, qualitativ hochwertigem Spiel. Wie Maxim Emelyanychev dirigierte und Geigerin Vilde Frang spielte, hat Uwe Krusch erlebt. Read More →
OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project) has revealed that Igor Zelensky, 52, a Russian dancer and former director of the Bavarian State Ballet in Munich is in a « previously unreported long-term relationship with Putin’s younger daughter, Katerina Tikhonova. Read More →
The Hallé in Manchester announces its second International Conductors Competition which will take place in Manchester from Sunday 12th to Tuesday 14th March 2023. Applications are invited by Thursday 1st September 2022 at 13:00 GMT, and Semi-Finalists will be announced in November 2022. Read More →
Das Filarmonica della Scala konnte nach einem Konzert in der Hamburger Elbphilharmonie nicht wie geplant am Abend noch nachhause fliegen. Das Konzert hatte unter der Leitung von Riccardo Chailly um 18.30 Uhr stattgefunden. Nach dem langen Applaus beeilte sich das Management, die Busse schnell zum Flughafen zu bringen, wo sie kurz nach 21 Uhr eintrafen. Read More →
Ten pianists have been chosen to advance to the Semifinals of Canada’s Honens International Piano Competition. The pianists (aged 21 to 31) come from seven countries: Austria, Hungary, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Ukraine, and the United States. Read More →