Maria Ewing, a soprano and mezzo-soprano noted for intense performances has died at age 71 last Sunday at her home in Detroit. Ewing made her Metropolitan Opera debut in 1976 in Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro She sang 96 Met performances until her finale as Marie in Berg’s Wozzeck in 1997. Read More →

The multidisciplinary GoodmeshConcours combining music with at least one other art form, such as theater, photography, painting or dance, has awarded First Prize to Dutch violinist Charlotte Spruit (*2000) and French painter Jérémie Queyras (*1997), son of the cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras. Read More →

The Vietnam Youth Music Institute (VYMI) has decided to establish the Vietnam Youth Symphony Orchestra (VYO) with the support and strategic cooperation from Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra (VNSO). Read More →

Thomas Dausgaard
Photo: Ulla C. Ekblom

The Seattle Symphony announced that Music Director Thomas Dausgaard, is stepping down from its role as Music Director, ahead of his originally planned final season in 2022/2023. Danish conductor Dausgaard, 58, who appeared regularly as a guest conductor since 2010 and became Principal Guest Conductor in 2014, began his tenure as Music Director of the Seattle Symphony in 2019. Read More →

The Foyer in the Bolshoi Theatre
Photo: Georges Franck

Nachdem der Fall in Russland und auch international für Aufsehen gesorgt hatte (Pizzicato-Berichte, siehe unten), hat die vom Moskauer Bolschoi eingesetzte Kommission einen neuen Schuldigen für den Tod des im Oktober auf der Bühne zu Tode gekommenen Yevgeny Kulesh gefunden. Read More →

The latest Karajan Community Letter focuses on the Fourth of Schubert’s symphonies, Karajan’s collaboration with Maurizio Pollini, who turned 80 this week and on the Maestro’s interest in hypnosis. Read More →

Nach einer erneut vom Virus überschatteten Saison gingen die Tiroler Festspiele gestern mit einer Auslastung von 60 % zu Ende. Die Festspielleitung ist erleichtert: « Geschafft! Allen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz gelangen erfolgreiche Winterfestspiele in Erl. Das Programmangebot aus Opern und Konzerten wurde vom Publikum mit großer Begeisterung angenommen, ein strenges, effektives Sicherheitskonzept sorgte dafür, dass sich alle Gäste gut geschützt fühlen und die Vorstellungen genießen konnten. » Read More →

Riccardo Minasi
(c) Julien Mignot

Der 44-jährige italienische Violinist und Dirigent Riccardo Minasi wird erster Künstlerischer Leiter des Orchesters La Scintilla, teilte das Opernhaus Zürich am Freitag mit. Minasi arbeitet seit 2015 eng mit dem Originalklang-Ensemble des Philharmonia Zürich zusammen. Minasi ist auch Chefdirigent des Mozarteumorchesters Salzburg.

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) announced that this month’s scheduled tour to Florida has been postponed due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases across the country. The tour will be rescheduled for a future season. Read More →

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1957)

During 2022-23 the music industry will celebrate the 150th birthday of British composer, Ralph Vaughan Williams (12 October 1872 – 26 August 1958). In a press release the Ralph Vaughan Williams Society says this will be « a commemoration of international significance, with performances, recordings, publications and associated events, and the last major anniversary before his works go out of copyright. Due to the effect of the pandemic, celebrations will be taking place up to and well beyond the birthday on 12th October this year. » Read More →

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