Pittsburgh Opera has announced the largest individual gift in the company’s 83-year history – a $5 million gift from Pittsburgh Opera Board Member, tech entrepreneur and real estate developer Francois Bitz. Bitz’s gift is part of Pittsburgh Opera’s $50 million Comprehensive Campaign. The campaign is called Forever and has already raised $23.4 million.

Come Together Again – die rezente Ausgabe der Festivals neuer Musik ‘rainy days’ in Luxemburg startet nach der Coronapause mit ungebrochenem Elan. Vom 12.11.2021 bis zum 05.12.2021 spannen sich die Veranstaltungen. Read More →

The brand of the Beethoven Anniversary BTHVN2020 has received the award as ECBFTR, sorry, as European Cultural Brand of the Year 2021. It’s one of the 10 awards from over 110 submissions.

Ludovic Morlot
(c) Sussie Ahlburg

The Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya has announced the appointment of Ludovic Morlot as Principal Conductor from September 2022 for four seasons. He succeeds to Kashushi Ono. Read More →

Mark Wigglesworth
(c) Benjamin Ealovega

The British conductor Mark Wigglesworth, 57, has been announced as Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra’s new Principal Guest Conductor for an initial period of three years, beginning this season. He will work alongside Principal Conductor Kirill Karabits, who has been with the orchestra for 11 years

The 37th Luxembourg Competition for Young Soloists, postponed last year due to Corona, will take place next Sunday, 14 November 2021 at the Conservatoire in Luxembourg. Some 137 young people of 23 nationalities will compete in the different disciplines, 132 soloists and 2 groups for the national part, 26 soloists for the European part (strings). Read More →

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and its musicians have concluded a new labor contract for three years. It restores salaries to pre-pandemic rates with annual raises totaling 8% by the end of the contract. The orchestra had made a one-year contract extension with the musicians in 2020, which included a 10% across-the-board wage reduction. Read More →

La Fenice
(c) Beate Wins

Spannende und hochwertige Konzerte sind in Luxemburg zwar oft in der Philharmonie zu erleben, aber auch anderswo im Lande erklingen Preziosen. Dazu gehören auch Konzerte im Rahmen des von Rosch Mirkes unermüdlich vorangetriebenen Festivals alter Musik ‘Rencontres musicales de la Vallée de l’Alzette‘ (RMVA). Wie das aus der letzten in die aktuelle Saison übernommene Konzert mit den Ensembles I Favoriti della Fenice und La Fenice klang, berichtet Uwe Krusch. Read More →

Wegen einer, wie es heißt, « unsicheren Coronalage » an der Bayerischen Staatsoper hat das Haus eine Reihe von Vorstellungen bis zum 18. November abgesagt. Darunter fallen Opernaufführungen von Bizets Carmen und der Braunfels-Oper Die Vögel.

Die Cello Akademie Rutesheim musste sich 2021 anders aufstellen und den Betrieb an die neue Normalität unter Corona anpassen. Daraus habe sich jedoch ein künstlerischer Mehrwert ergeben, sagt der Veranstalter. Read More →

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