The Alfred Street Baptist Church in Washington has canceled its annual Christmas event at the Kennedy Center. Here is the press release: « The After prayerful consideration, and discerning, the Alfred Street Baptist Church , one of the oldest and largest African American Baptist churches in the nation, has made the difficult decision to cancel hosting its annual Christmas performance at the Kennedy Center. Read More →

In schools run by the American government, all books dealing in any way with diversity or inclusion are withdrawn. The list of books prohibited under AH Trump’s directives continues to grow. These include « books that are likely to promote gender ideology or the ideology of equality in the face of discrimination », it says. It has not yet been announced whether these books will be publicly burned. On the 10th May 1933, the Nazis had burned books in over 70 German cities.

Kennedy Center, Washington

Last week was a dark one for the arts life in the US. AH Trump took control of one of the most important and until now nonpartisan arts institutions in the country, the Kennedy Center in Washington. Read More →

Czech conductor Vladimír Válek has died at the age of 89. Válek led the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra from 1985 to 2011 and also conducted the Prague Symphony Orchestra. He was the Principal Conductor of the Slovak Philharmonic from 2004 until 2007. Over his career, he worked with top ensembles, including the Czech Philharmonic and Japan’s Osaka Symphony Orchestra. Read More →

Over 1,500 people had to be evacuated from the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris last Friday, when a fire broke out in the theatre’s kitchens during the performance of Lully’s Persée. No casualties were reported. Read More →

The San Carlo Theatre in Naples has filed a lawsuit against British conductor Edward Gardner for claiming in an interview with The Times that the members of the San Carlo Theatre choir belonged to two ‘rival mafia families’. Read More →

Maurice Ravel

Gustavo Dudamel and the New York Philharmonic will give the first performance of an early work of Maurice Ravel’s on 13th March, in celebration of the composer’s 150th anniversary. The piece  called Prélude et danse de Sémiramis, was composed in 1902 and is part a partially lost cantata which Ravel intended to write while being a student. Read More →

The Kennedy Center in Washington, now under the direction of AH Trump has canceled a tour of the children’s musical Finn. The story of a young shark who wants to live his truth while still upholding family traditions, Finn premiered at the Kennedy Center in November 2024. Read More →

John Eliot Gardiner
(c) Alfonso Salgueiro

Das Luxembourg Philharmonic konnte bei seinem Konzert am Donnerstag kein volles Haus verzeichnen, wie unser Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen feststellen musste. Lag es am Dirigenten John Eliot Gardiner, Artist in Residence der Philharmonie, der nach einer Watschenaffäre bei vielen zur einer Persona non grata geworden ist oder lag es auch am Programm? Read More →

Der Aufwand war groß und großartig: Immerhin waren die französische Kulturministerin Rachida Dati und Christophe Fanichet, Chef von SNCF Voyageurs, angereist, um im Bahnhof von Lyon offiziell die neuen Bedingungen für Kontrabässe an Bord der High Speed Züge TGV bekannt zu geben. Das Resultat fiel weniger großartig aus. Read More →

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