Michael Hofstetter
(c) Stuart Armitt

Der deutsche Dirigent Michael Hofstetter, 59, übernimmt die Künstlerische Leitung des vor 65 gegründeten Tölzer Knabenchors. « Dieser Chor hat eine unfassbare künstlerische Exzellenz », sagt Hofstetter, der schon viele Projekte gemeinsam mit dem Tölzer Knabenchor realisiert hat. Zuletzt 2018 Bachs Matthäuspassion in der königlichen Kapelle Versailles. Read More →

James Gaffigan

Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía have appointed American conductor James Gaffigan, 42, as their new Music Director, it was announced this afternoon. The four-year term begins 1 September 2021 and will see Gaffigan conduct at least two operas and concerts per year in Valencia. Read More →

Dan Ettinger

The chief conductor of the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra and General Music Director of the city of Stuttgart, Dan Ettinger, 50, will become Direttore Musicale of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples in January 2023. Read More →

ICMA and the Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein presented a spectacular Award Ceremony Gala on Sunday 27 June at the Vaduzersaal in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. ICMA President Remy Franck says: « This concert was an incredible musical event. The energy coming from the stunningly excellent Liechtenstein Symphony and the exceptionless outstanding soloists, the world premiere of Ivan Boumans’ musically rich and highly imaginative Organic Beats as well as the joy and enthusiasm radiating form the stage in Chailly’s Meistersinger overture and Yaron Traub’s Jubel-Ouvertüre were just overwhelming. From people in the hall and from those following the livestream, I got only the most enthusiastic comments. » Read More →

On June 27, the ICMA Award Ceremony took place in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, hosted by the Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein. You can find our report here. Today we publish the photo album. Read More →

The ICMA Award Ceremony & Gala which took place in Vaduz on 27 June were an outstanding and very special event, one of the most important and the most challenging in the year 2021 so far. Read More →

Andrew Manze
(c) Chris Christodoulou

Andrew Manze, 56, has extended his contract as Principal Guest Conductor of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra for an additional two years until Summer 2023. He first conducted the RPO in 2011 and was invited to be Principal Guest Conductor in June 2018. Read More →

Vladimir Jurowski
(c) Sheila Rock

Vladimir Jurowski (49) bleibt weitere vier Jahre an der Spitze des Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchesters Berlin (RSB). Der Dirigent werde seinen bestehenden Vertrag über 2023 hinaus bis 31. August 2027 verlängern, teilte das Orchester am Freitag mit. Read More →

Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein
(c) Andreas Domjanic

ICMA and the Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein present a spectacular Award Ceremony Gala on Sunday 27 June at the Vaduzersaal in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. The June Gala will be available for free to wider audiences via livestream on http://www.kulmag.live/. To be able to follow the streaming, you must register for free. Read More →

Pietari Inkinen

Gut sechzig Orchesterkonzerte im SR- und SWR-Sendegebiet, Gastspiele unter anderem im Rahmen des Rheingau Musik Festivals und der Internationalen Wolfegger Konzerte, im Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, in Ludwigsburg oder im Arsenal Metz verzeichnet die nunmehr 5. Saison mit Pietari Inkinen an der Spitze des Orchesters. Read More →

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