Die Berliner Philharmoniker wollen sich künftig als musikalische Botschafter für die UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe einsetzen. Chefdirigent Kirill Petrenko betonte am Freitag, dem Orchester und ihm sei es wichtig, nicht nur schöne Konzerte zu spielen, sondern sich auch gesellschaftlich zu engagieren. Read More →
Italian composer Sylvano Bussotti died a few days before his 90th birthday. Born in Florence on October 1, 1931, he was for a couple of months in care in a residence for the elderly in Milan. Florence was getting ready to celebrate the 90 years of the composer with five days dedicated to his vast artistic production. The event entitled ’90Bussotti. Listening and visions on Sylvano Bussotti’, scheduled from 20 to 25 September 2021 will be held anyway, now to celebrate the memory. Read More →
For the first time in 40 years, none of the finalists won the Grand Prix at the Besançon Competition for Young Conductors. After a long deliberation, the jury decided that the three finalists would be given an ex-aequo award with 3.000 euros against the 12.000 euros promised to the Grand Prix winner. These finalists were Jiong-Jie Yin, China (21), Deun Lee, Korea (32) and Chloé Dufresne, France (29).
23-year-old Alim Beisembayev from Kazakhstan won the 20th edition of the Leeds International Piano Competition. In addition to First Prize, Alim Beisembayev also won the medici.tv Audience Prize, voted for by the public, and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society Prize for performance of a 20th/21st century work. Read More →
Das erste Konzert der neuen Saison des Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg und seines Chefs Gustavo Gimeno setzte bereits markante Akzente für die Zukunft. Im Pandemie-gerecht besetzten Saal wurden nicht nur sie, sondern auch die Solistin Diana Damrau allen Erwartungen gerecht, meint Uwe Krusch. Read More →
The San Antonio Symphony (Texas) has known financial difficulties due to the pandemic. After an initial contract proposal that would reduce musicians’ pay by 50%, the Orchestra is seeking to drastically reduce the size of the orchestra. The management is proposing to slash the size of the orchestra from 71 full-time musicians to 42.
Zur Familie der Logos rund um die Philharmonie Luxemburg hat sich ein weiteres gesellt, das für die Initiative Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra Academy (LPOA) steht. Rechtzeitig zum Saisonauftakt konnten sieben Akademisten, die nach dem Studium am Beginn einer professionellen Musikerkarriere stehen und sich gegen 288 weitere Bewerber durchgesetzt haben, in ihr gemeinsames Haus in Luxemburg einziehen und auch schon das erste Konzert mit dem Philharmonischen Orchester spielen. Read More →
The Belgian Outhere Music group has announced the acquisition of the Dutch label Channel Classics, founded by Jared Sacks in 1990. With a catalogue of over 450 titles, Channel Classics’ long-term key artists include Rachel Podger, Ivan Fischer and the Budapest Festival Orchestra, Ning Feng, Pieter Wispelwey, and other great interpreters. Ensembles include Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Ragazze Quartet, and Florilegium. Other soloists on the label are Rosanne Philippens, Dana Zemtsov, and Anna Fedorova. Read More →
Der amerikanisch-britische Bassbariton Norman Bailey ist vorgestern im Alter von 88 Jahren in Idaho (US) verstorben. Der 1933 in Birmingham geborene Opernsänger hatte die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft angenommen. Read More →
French company Little Tribeca adds a new label to their roster. Halted since 2018, following the death of its founder Pierre-Émile Barbier, the label Praga Digitals is now revived under the leadership of Nicolas Bartholomée, founder of Little Tribeca and the labels Aparté and Evidence, the company announced today. Read More →