The musicians of the Metropolitan Opera orchestra have ended a period of uncertainty by accepting a collective bargaining agreement on Tuesday. « We are thrilled to be returning to regular performances very soon, and look forward to reconnecting with our audiences, » said the local 802 branch president Adam Krauthamer and the Met Orchestra Committee in a joint statement. Read More →
Der Südkoreaner Chanmin Chung, Dirigierabsolvent der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt in Weimar, wird zur Saison 2021/22 neuer 1. Kapellmeister und stellvertretender Generalmusikdirektor am Theater Aachen. Zuletzt wirkte er als 2. Kapellmeister am Theater Erfurt. Read More →
Der deutsche Dirigent Gabriel Feltz, 50, hat seinen Vertrag als Generalmusikdirektor in Dortmund bis 2025 verlängert. Gabriel Feltz habe sich in der Position des Generalmusikdirektors bewährt, teilte die Stadt Dortmund mit. Read More →
British conductor Bramwell Tovey, 68, has been named Music Director of the Sarasota Orchestra in Florida. Tovey, who was already scheduled to lead concerts in April 2022, begins his role as Music Director designate Sept. 1, prior to assuming the title of Music Director in the fall of 2022 for the following four seasons. Read More →
French trumpet player died yesterday at the age of 75. First prize in trumpet at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, graduate in physical education and psychology, Pierre Dutot started his career as soloist at the National Orchestra of Lyon. He played in humerous ensembles and performed as soloist throughout Europe. Read More →
Der Deutsche Musikrat wirbt in einer Stellungnahme für die COVID-Impfung. Öffentliches Leben, Kultur und Musik bedürften der direkten Begegnung, denn Kreativität entstehe im persönlichen Miteinander, sei es bei den Proben eines Amateurorchesters oder in der Interaktion einer Band oder eines Kammermusikensembles mit dem Publikum beim Live-Konzert, heißt es in der Mitteilung. Read More →
Die Salzburger Festspiele haben die an den Aufführungstagen 24. und 27. August geplante TV-Produktion der Puccini-Oper Tosca « aus organisatorischen und dispositionellen Gründen » kurzfristig abgesagt. Das teilte der ORF mit, der die Oper am Freitag zeitversetzt ausstrahlen wollte.
French tenor Charles Burles has passed away, at the age of 85. Born in 1936 in Marseille, he had a very good lyric tenor voice, primarily associated with the French repertory, both opera and operetta. Read More →
French Long-Thibaud-Crespin Fompetition has lost a major part of its leading people, French media say. The members of the artistic direction have resigned from their respective positions, according to La Lettre du Musiciens. The competition – which sees a singing, a violin and a piano competition succeed one another over three years – has lost Dominique Meyer (current director of the Scala de Milan), violinist Renaud Capuçon and pianist Bertrand Chamayou. Read More →
Trala, a tech-powered music education app designed to make learning the violin accessible to all, announces an ongoing partnership with violinist Joshua Bell.Bell is represented by Park Avenue Artists (PAA), which facilitated Bell’s partnership with Trala. PAA will act as a strategic advisor and partner alongside Bell and Trala to further Trala’s mission and develop its curriculum. Read More →