The Dallas Symphony Orchestra has announced the contract extension for Music Director Fabio Luisi. The renewal is for a further five years through the 2028/29 concert season. Italian conductor Fabio Luisi, 61, began his first season as Music Director in the current 2020/21 season after a year of holding the title Music Director Designate. He is General Music Director of the Zurich Opera, and Principal Conductor of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra.
Russian conductor Vasily Petrenko, 44, has been appointed as Artistic Director of the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia Evgeny Svetlanov. Succeeding Vladimir Jurowski, who has served in the role since 2011, he will take up the position on 1 September 2021, at the same time as he formally takes up the position of Music Director of London’s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Read More →
The Ontario government has restricted possibilities for livestreaming concerts. Such online events are not allowed to take place in venues that are closed according to the new COVID-10 rules. So, not even performing and recording music without audience is possible in any of the concert venues or theatres. Ontario is Canada’s most populous province.
For its 35th anniversary, Suntory Hall in Tokyo will not only present a year-long program of attractive and diverse performances but also launch a new global online platform, ‘Digital Suntory Hall’. From April 2021 this platform « will enable people from all over the world to experience the venue and the concerts from the comfort of one’s own home, regardless of distance, time difference, or language », the organization says in a press release.
The National Repertory Orchestra (NRO) has announced the appointment of Michael Stern as its third Music Director in the organization’s 61-year history. The National Repertory Orchestra in Breckenridge, Colorado, is an intensive performance and education summer festival for young professional musicians, ages 18-29. Read More →
Das Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg (OPL) hat seinen ehemaligen Chefdirigenten Leopold Hager zum Ehrendirigenten ernannt. Die Ehrung erfolgte gestern Abend, als der 85-jährige Österreicher das erste OPL-Konzert vor Publikum im Jahre 2021 dirigiert. Read More →
Aufgrund des bis einschließlich 31. Januar 2021 verlängerten Lockdowns in Deutschland kann das Heidelberger Streichquartettfest 2021 nicht wie geplant vom 28. bis 31. Januar stattfinden, sondern wird auf Januar 2022 verschoben, teilte der Veranstalter heute mit. Bereits vier von sechs der für dieses Jahr eingeladenen Quartette konnten zusagen, ebenso der Komponist Wolfgang Rihm, auf dem der Programmfokus liegt. Read More →
French conductor Marc Minkowski, 58, will not be renewed as General Manager and Music Director of the Bordeaux Opera, according to a press release published by the house. Read More →
The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra management and the musicians announced the ratification of a side letter to amend the collective bargaining agreement for the 2020/2021 season, effective January 11 through August 29, 2021. The SLSO management says it is grateful for the sacrifices made by orchestra membership, which has agreed to $3.75 million in compensation reduction. Read More →
Die Auswertungen einer Untersuchung zur räumlichen Ausbreitung von Aerosolen und CO2 im Konzerthaus Dortmund zeigen, dass insbesondere im Saal unter den gegebenen sanitären Bedingungen, also vor allem der Maskenpflicht, die Gefahr der Übertragung von Infektionen durch Aerosolübertragung nahezu ausgeschlossen werden kann. Das teilte das Konzerthaus Dortmund mit. Read More →