Yesterday afternoon a fire damaged the roof of the Palace of Fine Arts in the center of Brussels. It was a roof fire, which smouldered over a large area, between the roof and the ceiling, at the level of the insulation. Read More →
American composer Peter Boyer, 50, has been commissioned by the United States Marine Band to compose a special fanfare to be performed at the Inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, at the U.S. Capitol on 20 January. Read More →
Die Bachwoche Stuttgart 2021 zum Thema »Im Dialog: J.S. Bach und Jan Dismas Zelenka« wird aufgrund der aktuellen coronabedingten Einschränkungen auf den 21.-27. März 2022 verschoben, teilte die Bachakademie heute mit. Read More →
Next Wednesday, 20 January at 2 p.m. CET, a press conference will take place in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, for the announcement of the winners and the Award Ceremony 2021 which will be hoisted by the Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein. Read More →
On February 6, as part of its 2020-21 radio broadcast season, the Metropolitan Opera will air its first-ever Listeners’ Choice broadcast. During December, the Met invited its worldwide radio audience to vote for their favorite from among ten legendary performances drawn from the Met archives. The historic performance chosen by radio listeners from around the world is Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor starring Maria Callas. Read More →
Ich ärgere mich immer wieder, wenn ich mir eine CD anhöre, und die Track-Information nicht auf dem Backcover sehen kann, sondern umständlich erst das Bocklet durchforschen muss, um diese Informationen, Tracks, Werk- und Satzbezeichnungen und Spielzeiten zu bekommen. Read More →
Der 28-jährige türkische Komponist Mithatcan Öcal (28) erhält den mit 20.000 Euro dotierten Hindemith-Preis 2021. Öcal zeige in seinen Werken eine beeindruckende klangliche Vielschichtigkeit, begründete das Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in Lübeck die Entscheidung. Mittels feiner Nuanciertheit in der Instrumentation, der harmonischen Gestaltung und einem besonderen musikalischen Ausdruck berühre er sein Publikum auf unmittelbare Weise. Read More →
65-year-old British conductor Simon Rattle (65) wants to become a German citizen. The passport has already been applied for, the conductor said in Munich on Friday, a few days after being named Music Director of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and Choir. However, he wants double nationality and thus keep his British citizenship. Rattle lives with his family in Berlin.
Der ursprünglich für Oktober 2020 geplante und dann auf Mitte März 2021 verschobene 6. Internationale Franz Liszt Wettbewerb für Junge Pianisten muss leider abgesagt werden. Aufgrund der immer noch kritischen Pandemie-Situation fällt der Wettstreit an der Weimarer Hochschule für Musik nun ersatzlos aus, teilte die Organisation mit. Read More →
In the French TV show C à Vous, yesterday evening, tenor Roberto Alagna was supposed to perform the song Mon pote le gitan in memory of one of his friends. Yet he found himself caught up in a torrent of emotions and, after a few seconds, the artist had to interrupt his performance. He left the stage saying, « I cannot do this today ». He then explained: « In fact, we talked before about this friend and it moved me so much that I sing the song thinking about him and I can’t concentrate ».