Photo: Natasha Le-Bel

Several artists of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg were quarantined for testing positive to coronavirus. This was reported by Russian media. Read More →

Paul Smaczny & Martin Hoffmeister

Paul Smaczny from the Leipzig based label Accentus was presented the ICMA trophy for the winning video production ‘Gidon Kremer – Finding your own voice’. The trophy was presented by ICMA Jury and Board member Martin Hoffmeister (MDR Klassik). Paul Smaczny said:  » Both Gidon Kremer and I as musician and producer are incredibly happy about this prestigious award. Had the gala and award ceremony in Seville not been cancelled due to the coronavirus, Gidon and I would have been there without question. Read More →

Kobe International Flute Competition (KIFC) has announced application guidelines for its 10th edition, taking place August 26 through September 5, 2021, in Kobe, Hyogo Japan. Read More →

Festspielhaus Baden-Baden

The Festspielhaus Baden-Baden will start a first part of its season 20/21 on 8 October with a drastically reduced number of available seats. Only 500 of the 2500 seats in Germany’s largest opera and concert hall will initially be sold. At the same time, the programme is being modified to take account of the various hygiene regulations which festival performers have to comply with when travelling or rehearsing. The programme will be made public in several stages, and for the time being until 1 November 2020.

Barenboim & West Eastern Divan Orchestra
(c) Patrick Huerlimann LF

Das West-Eastern Divan Orchestra spielt am 14. August unter der Leitung von Daniel Barenboim im Berliner Pierre Boulez Saal ein Konzert zu Ehren der libanesischen Bevölkerung und der Opfer der Explosionskatastrophe von Beirut. Barenboim dirigiert Werke von Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Arnold Schönberg und Pierre Boulez.

The latest Karajanist Community Letter is dedicated almost entirely to Karajan’s relationship with Peter Schreier, the singer who would have celebrated his 85th birthday this week. The Newsletter commemorates the concert, opera and recording projects Karajan realized with him, among them the legendary Meistersinger production from Dresden in which Schreier sung the role of David. Read More →

Erst abgesprungen und nun wieder an Bord: Die beiden Gründer des 2017 gestarteten Festivals Alpenarte in Schwarzenberg (Vorarlberg), Drazen Domjanic und Hans Metzler, übernehmen wieder gemeinsam die Leitung. Read More →

Das grosse Festspielhaus in Salzburg

Im Rahmen der Corona-Präventionsmaßnahmen, die den Verantwortlichen nach greifen, haben die Salzburger Festspiele nun zusätzlich den Gebrauch von Fächern während der Vorstellungen untersagt. Damit sollen ansteckende Aerosole nicht durch den Saal verteilt werden. Read More →

Der Chor des NDR stemmt sich gegen eine Umwandlung in eine GmbH. Die Deutsche Orchestervereinigung machte heute auf eine mehrwöchige Aktion aufmerksam, die am Nachmittag mit einem gemeinsamen Singen vor der Hamburger Elbphilharmonie begann. « Der NDR Chor bleibt mit voller Mannschaft in Hamburg vor Anker!“, sagt Gerald Mertens, Geschäftsführer der Deutschen Orchestervereinigung. Read More →

Fort Worth Opera (FWO) and the McCammon Voice Competition announced today that the 2020 Competition has been cancelled due to uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Originally scheduled to take place April 3 and 4, the competition was postponed until the fall. Read More →

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