Christoph von Dohnanyi

Der Dirigent Christoph von Dohnanyi ist gestern Nachmittag im Hamburger Rathaus mit der Johannes-Brahms-Medaille der Stadt Hamburg ausgezeichnet worden. Bürgermeister Peter Tschentscher überreichte dem 90-Jährigen die Medaille, mit der die Stadt seit 1928 in unregelmäßigen Abständen Personen ehrt, die hervorragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Musik vollbracht haben. Read More →

Awarded every year since 2012 by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts to promising young classical musicians, the Aydın Gün Encouragement Award 2019 was granted to the 22 year-old Azerbaijani-Turkish violinist Elvin Hoxha Ganiyev. Read More →

Italian tenor Giorgio Merighi died yesterday in Jesi at the age of 80. Born in Ferrara in 1939, Giorgio Merighi studied at the Rossini Conservatory in Pesaro. He made his debut at a very young age at the Teatro Sperimentale in Spoleto in Un ballo in maschera. His debut at the Teatro alla Scala took place in 1963 as Pinkerton in Madama Butterfly. Read More →

Der Dirigent und ehemalige Intendant der Festspiele Erl, Gustav Kuhn, hat den ihm 1999 verliehenen Tiroler Adler-Orden zurückgegeben. Das meldete die Tiroler Landeszeitung. Damit sei der Dirigent, der der sexuellen Belästigung bezichtigt wird, einem Aberkennungsverfahren zuvorgekommen. Read More →

Jun Märkl

German conductor Jun Märkl has cancelled concerts with the Belgrade Philharmonic over contractual issues. On his Facebook page, Märkl says: « For months I had been looking forward to making my debut in Belgrade from 13 – to 17 Jan 2020. Unfortunately there were disagreements over contractual issues which could not be resolved. Read More →

Louis Langrée
(c) Benoît Limero

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra has extended the contract of Music Director Louis Langrée, 59, through the 2023-24 season, the organization announced at the orchestra’s 125th anniversary gala last Saturday. Read More →

Craig Kier

Annapolis Opera (Maryland) has announced that American conductor Craig Kier will become the company’s next Artistic and Music Director. Craig Kier will succeed Ronald J. Gretz, who announced his retirement in February 2019 after serving as Artistic Director of the Annapolis Opera for 37 years. Read More →

Conducting the Luxembourg Philharmonic during one of the Philharmonie’s popular Ciné-Concerts with Martin Scorsese’s film Taxi Driver (1976), American-born, UK-based conductor Robert Ziegler collapsed on stage. Paramedics from an ambulance rushed on stage and reanimated the conductor who was then taken to a hospital. The concert was cancelled. Read More →

Opéra Bastille, Paris

The Opéra National de Paris has cancelled yesterday’s performance of Rossini’s Il Barbiere di Siviglia at the Opéra Bastille due to a strike by some of the Opera’s staff, according to the company’s official website. Read More →

Michael Tilson Thomas
Photo: SFS

The San Francisco Symphony (SFS) announce the launch of SFS Media’s new Digital Concert Series on Apple Music and all major streaming and download platforms. In celebration of MTT’s 25th and final season as Music Director, the series will include live concert recordings from 2019–20 season concerts featuring composers that MTT and the SFS have championed throughout their decades together. Read More →

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