The San Francisco Symphony’s upcoming tour to New York and Europe with Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas has been cancelled due to the rapidly changing developments and risks related to COVID-19Travel restrictions, concert cancellations, and venue closures in New York and throughout Europe have made it impossible for the Symphony to travel at this time. Read More →
Noch ist er keine 250, aber Beethoven leidet schwer unter dem Corona-Virus. Nachdem das Bonner Beethovenfest alle Konzert zwischen dem 13. März und dem 22. März abgesagt hat, teilte Elzbieta Pendereckas Beethoven-Association in Warschau heute mit, das Beethoven-Osterfestival sei in den Monat September verschoben worden.
After Spanish singer Placido Domingo was accused of sexual harassment by more than twenty women, the Los Angeles Opera, whose General Director he was, commissioned an independent investigation. This investigation has found that the singer engaged in « inappropriate conduct » with multiple women. Investigators deemed the allegations credible, according to a summary released by LA Opera. Read More →
Placido Domingo’s name is no longer an honour. The Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía in Valencia that has announced that its Training Centre will no longer bear the name of Placido Domingo. The new name of the Centre will be Centro de Perfeccionamiento Palau de Les Arts. Read More →
Israeli conductor Lahav Shani, 31, has extended his contract as Chief Conductor of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra until August 2026. He will conduct the orchestra for about 12 weeks each season, partly in Rotterdam and partly on tour. Shani succeeded Yannick Nézet-Séguin in 2018. From next season he will also be Music Director of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
Die Deutsche Oper in Berlin hat drei Auftritte von Placido Domingo im Jahre 2021 abgesagt. Nachdem der Sänger sexuelle Belästigung mehrerer Frauen eingeräumt habe, würden geplante Vorstellungen im Jahr 2021 in Solidarität mit den Betroffenen nicht mehr stattfinden, teilte die Oper am Dienstag mit. In Hamburg hat Domingo indes seine für März und April geplanten Auftritte angeblich wegen des Coronavirus abgesagt.
Soprano and conductor Barbara Hannigan will be awarded the Glashütte Original Music Festival Award at the 43rd Dresden Music Festival, the organisation announced. Read More →
Die junge niederländische Komponistin Carlijn Metselaar ist die Gewinnerin eines internationalen Portfolio-Wettbewerbs, den die Wiener Symphoniker anlässlich des Antritts ihres designierten Chefdirigenten Andrés Orozco-Estrada ausgeschrieben haben. Die Uraufführung des damit verbundenen Kompositionsauftrags wird das Antrittskonzert von Andrés Orozco-Estrada am 10. Oktober 2020 im Wiener Konzerthaus eröffnen. Read More →
Danish conductor Michael Schønwandt (*1953) has been appointed as Music Director of the Orchestre Français des Jeunes for the years 2021 and 2022.He will succeed Fabien Gabel, Music Director from 2017 to 2020. Read More →
The Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm has now its own digital channel. Viewing operas is completely free of charges. « No Login, No Fees », the website says.Currently the channel is presenting a series of new operas under the title Short Stories, Puccini’s Madama Butterfly, the ballet Eskapist, a concert with the opera house’s orchestra as well as the audio recording of Wagner’s Die Walküre. To access the channel, just click here.