For three days, Swiss start-up Cybel’Art has recorded pianist Philippe Entremont in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, to create a hologram immortalizing the 85-year-old French musician. Entremont is the first living artist to participate in the creation of his hologram. Read More →
The League of American Orchestras has twittered an alert drawing attention to a dramatic fee increase for visa petitions applying to foreign artists performing in the United States. In a statement the League says that Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has proposed making it much more costly to apply to U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) for the required visas for international guest artists. Read More →
La grève, the strike is the most popular answer in France when it comes to contest political or organisational decisions. No discussions, no argumentation, just strike. The latest strike is the one of the Maîtrise Notre-Dame in Paris. Following the procedure of dismissals deemed abusive, the singers cancelled the Christmas concert and all upcoming activities. Anyway, the choir was severely affected by the fire at Notre-Dame, which caused the loss of a quarter of its operating budget.
Canadian Symphony Nova Scotia has announced that Holly Mathieson will become the orchestra’s Music Director in January 2020. New Zealand born Holly Mathieson (*1981) will assume the role of Symphony Nova Scotia’s Music Director on a three-year contract. She will provide artistic leadership and guidance throughout the remaining 2019/20 concert season, and will begin regularly conducting the orchestra in 2020/21, after her arrival in Halifax. Read More →
Die französische Dirigentin Marie Jacquot (*1990) erhielt von der Familienstiftung Ernst Edler von Schuch den Ernst-von-Schuch-Preis. Mit Marie Jacquot wurde zum ersten Mal eine junge Dirigentin von dieser Stiftung ausgezeichnet. Read More →
Am Sonntag konnten die Zuhörer in der Luxemburger Philharmonie ein Orchester hören, das nicht nur gut beleumundet, sondern wirklich gut ist. Was Orchester, Dirigent Ivan Fischer sowie die Solistinnen Isabelle Faust und Tabea Zimmermann aus einem klassisch geformten Programm machten, darüber kann Uwe Krusch schreiben. Read More →
Das Opernhaus Zürich präsentierte in der Saison 2018/19 insgesamt 337 Vorstellungen (Vorjahr: 327), welche von 243.021 Zuschauern (Vorjahr: 245.517) besucht wurden. Die Gesamtauslastung des Opernhauses konnte abermals leicht gesteigert werden und betrug 90.2% (Vorjahr: 90.0%). In der Sparte Oper ist die Auslastung auf 88.9% gestiegen (Vorjahr: 88.3%). Das Ballett Zürich konnte seinen Spitzenwert von 98.0% halten. Auch für die Philharmonischen Konzerte und Liederabende konnten eine Auslastungssteigerung verzeichnet werden. Read More →
In three rounds, the Jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) has chosen the releases competing in the finals for the awards 2020. « Our initial list with a total of 390 nominations comprised many very good as well as outstanding recordings. This long list has been reduced to three releases per category, our finalists for 2020 », Jury President Remy Franck said. « Inevitably, many excellent productions have been eliminated. The jury members tirelessly make it a duty of honor to select the very best among the best recordings. The task is definitely demanding and requires sometimes painful choices. But the eliminated recordings are still nominations and our nominations are undeniably a real recognition. » Read More →
Was zum Teufel hat Beethoven mit dem englischen Popsänger Robbie Williams zu tun? Die Deutsche Telekom teilte in einer Pressemitteilung mit, sie plane zu Beethoven’s 250. Geburtstag ein Konzert mit diesem Mann. Read More →
What the hell has Beethoven to do with the English pop singer Robbie Williams? The German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom said in a press release that they plan to have a concert with this man for Beethoven’s 250th birthday. But that’s not all. Read More →