Following an intensive summer camp, Concertgebouworkest Young will introduce itself on the stage. On Friday 23 and Saturday 24 August, Young will be giving its first symphonic concerts at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and at Flagey in Brussels. Under the baton of Pablo Heras-Casado, Young will perform the world premiere of Detlev Glanert’s newly commissioned Idyllium, Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto with Julian Rachlin as soloist and Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5, the press release says. Read More →

James Gaffigan

James Gaffigan wird seinen Vertrag als Chefdirigent des Luzerner Sinfonieorchesters nicht noch einmal verlängern. Er ist seit Beginn der Saison 2011/12 auf diesem Posten, und sein Vertrag laufe « wie geplant bis zum Ende der Saison 2020/21. Die beiden verbleibenden Spielzeiten werden die erfolgreiche Ära James Gaffigan beim Luzerner Sinfonieorchester mit zahlreichen Höhepunkten komplettieren. », teilte das Orchester mit. Die frühzeitige Kommunikation ermögliche eine rechtzeitige Nachfolgeplanung für die Chefdirigentenposition ab der Saison 2021/22. Read More →

Placido Domingo
Photo: Sheila Rock

San Francisco Opera announced it is cancelling the October 6, 2019 concert featuring Placido Domingo. The statement says: « The decision to cancel the concert was made after recent news reports of multiple allegations of sexual harassment. Though the alleged incidents reported did not take place at San Francisco Opera, the Company is unable to present the artist on the War Memorial Opera House stage. Read More →

Just hours after media reported that Placido Domingo has been accused of sexual harassment by nine women, the first consequence of the allegations has been announced: the Philadelphia Orchestra cancelled the tenor’s appearance in the season’s gala opening concert on September 18 under the direction of Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin. The gala’s date will remain the same and the Orchestra is currently looking for a replacement. Read More →

Placido Domingo

Tenor, conductor and manager Placido Domingo, 78, has been accused of sexual harassment by 8 singers and one dancer, Associated Press reports in a very long and detailed text. According to AP « they were sexually harassed by the married, Spanish superstar in encounters that took place over three decades beginning in the late 1980s, at venues that included opera companies where he held top managerial positions. » Read More →

Ein neun Jahre altes Mädchen will per Klage in den nur mit Knabenstimmen besetzten Staats- und Domchor zu Berlin aufgenommen werden. Das Kind sang nach Angaben des Verwaltungsgerichts (VG) Berlin zunächst im Kinderchor der Komischen Oper Berlin und später in der Domsingschule in Frankfurt am Main.Im November habe die Mutter vergeblich um Aufnahme ihrer Tochter in den Staats- und Domchor zu Berlin gebeten. Sie werde wegen ihres Geschlechts diskriminiert. Read More →

Damon Gupton
(c) PR

The Cincinnati Pops Orchestra announced Damon Gupton as Principal Guest Conductor starting in the 2019-2020 season. Gupton is not only a musician but also an actor and portrays Bill Henderson on the television series, Black Lightning, which is set to start its third season in October. Read More →

The Chicago based ensemble Music of the Baroque has announced that it has extended Jane Glover’s contract as music director through the 2022-23 season. The 70-year-old British conductor took the position in 2002. Her extended contract includes the ensemble’s 50th anniversary season (2020/21)

The Grand Prix of Nations & the 4th European Choir Games took place last week in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. 171 choirs and 6300 participants from 47 nations not only performed in a big TV show and competed in categories of various choral genres, but also presented themselves in Friendship Concerts and brought their music into the streets and onto the squares of Gothenburg. Read More →

Das Moskauer Bolschoi-Theater und das Teatro Colon aus Buenos Aires haben ein Kooperationsabkommen unterzeichnet, um den Austausch zwischen den beiden Häusern zu erleichtern. Zunächst soll die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Opernstudios für junge Sänger stattfinden. In Zukunft soll auch der Austausch von Opern- und Ballettsolisten organisiert werden.

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