24+; Nicolo Paganini: 24 Capricen für Violine solo + 4 Neue Etüden; Ksenia Milas, Violine; 1 CD Da Vinci Classics C00491; Aufnahme 09.2021; Veröffentlichung 12.2021 (96'49) – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Die Aufnahmen der 24 Capricen für Violine von Niccolo Paganini sind kaum zählbar. Ksenia Milas hat diesen Reigen um vier weitere Etüden erweitert, die erst kürzlich entdeckt und geprüft wurden. Damit weist sie auf durch Covid verpasste Jubiläen hin. Paganini verstarb 1840 und seine Capricen wurden 1820 veröffentlicht. Read More →

A spectacular light installation by the Dutch artist duo Drift will illuminate the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg in April 2022, the year of its fifth anniversary. The work is called Breaking Waves and uses hundreds of illuminated drones. Choreographed to the second movement of Thomas Adès’s Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, which is being performed in the anniversary concert in the Grand Hall on the evening of the anniversary, the moving luminaries playfully bring the concert hall’s facade to life. Read More →

In early 2022 the New York based Si-Yo Music Society Foundation will launch the Si-Yo Fine Instrument Registry™ (SY FIR™), a free, international public registry that will be an informational and educational resource for collectors, investors, makers, buyers, sellers, researchers, insurers and arts institutions. Read More →

Terre de jeu; Serge Prokofiev: Musiques d’enfants (Music for Children), op. 65; Francis Poulenc: Villageoises (Petites pièces enfantines) FP 65; Gian Francesco Malipiero: Omaggi; Robert Schumann: Waldszenen, op. 82/7 (Vogel als Prophet); Henry Cowell: The Fairy Answer; Dane Rudhyar: Third Pentagram (Nr. 4, Stars); Federico Mompou: Scènes d’enfants; Isil Bengi, Klavier; Insolite Records INSO1; Aufnahme 09.2021, Veröffentlichung 24.12.2021 (44'00) - Rezension von Remy Franck

Die türkisch-belgische Pianistin Isil Bengi spielt ein kurzes Programm, das ihr angeblich von der Kindheit der Pianistin Clara Haskil inspiriert wurde, mit der sie sich vor einiger Zeit zu beschäftigen begann. Read More →

Canto Di Speranza; Nicolas Bacri: Quatuors à cordes Nos 7, 8 & 9; Quatuor Psophos; 1CD Klarthe KLA113 ; Aufnahme 09/2020, Veröffentlichung 10.12.2021 (digital), 20.01.2022(CD) - (58‘53) - Rezension von Alain Steffen

Innerhalb eines Jahres ist dies nun die dritte CD mit Aufnahmen des zeitgenössischen Komponisten Nicolas Bacri, dessen Musik ich als eine wirkliche Entdeckung bezeichnen muss. Bacri ist kein Schubladenkomponist oder jemand, der sich der Musik auf eine rein intellektuelle Weise nähert und sie auch so ausrichtet. Read More →

At least since he won both the Critics' Prize and the Audience Prize at the world-famous Brussels Concours Reine Elizabeth in 2013 among a very strong field of competitors, the name Boris Giltburg has been considered as one of the few truly big names on the international piano scene. In 2019, Giltburg began a complete recording of all the Beethoven piano sonatas – Initially exclusively as a video project for YouTube. In the following interview with Pizzicato, the pianist talks about how dramatically everything changed as a result of the Corona crisis, and how it finally came about that a CD box set of all of Giltburg's Beethoven sonatas is now available after all.

Mr. Giltburg, how did the decision come about to present a complete recording of all Beethoven piano sonatas for the Beethoven Year?
Good day! I think that Beethoven’s 250th anniversary itself was the main catalyst. I still remember the moment I first thought about the project; I was in South Korea in early 2019, pacing around my hotel room, and all of a sudden some kind of switch flipped in my mind, and my world changed from one in which there was no way I would have played all the sonatas ever, to a world in which it was 100% certain that I would (I don’t have an explanation for the switch flip…!). Read More →

The German label Tacet is one of the very dedicated labels when it comes to multichannel recordings. Now they have created a multichannel download store in addition to the shop for physical recordings. Read More →

The winner of 10th Johann Nepomuk Hummel International Piano Competition in Bratislava, Slovakia, is Robert Bily, Czech Republic. The Second Prize is shared by Sunah Kim, South Korea and Leo de María, Spain. Read More →

American conductor Christopher Koch has been named Juneau Symphony’s Music Director. Koch was one of 50 candidates through a three-year search. His contract is beginning in January 2022. Koch is currently the music and executive director of Ozarks Lyric Opera in Springfield, Montana.

Italian conductor Speranza Scappucci, 48 has decuided not to renew her mandate as Music Director of the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège, which runs until the end of the 2021-2022 season, the organization says. Read More →

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