The 41st Dresden Music Festival counted about 56,000 visitors for 67 events between May 10 and June 10. More than 1,500 artists from all over the world performed at 24 venues in Dresden. With 91 percent of seats sold, ticket sales revenue rose from 1.4 million to 1.54 million Euro, despite the strong increase already observed in 2017, the organizer says.
During the applause after Friday’s concert, Bernard Haitink fell on the stage, the Concertgebouw Orkest announced today. According to the press release, the 89-year old Dutch conductor « is doing well under the circumstances », but he needs to rest and is unable to conduct tonight’s concert. Kerem Hasan, assistant conductor to the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra’s honorary conductor Bernard Haitink, takes over. The programme, Mahlers Ninth Symphony, remains unchanged.
American conductor Devin Hughes has been appointed as Music Director of the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra in Niceville.Hughes is concurrently serving as Music Director and Conductor of the Boulder Symphony, Arapahoe Philharmonic and Civic Youth Orchestra of Denver. He succeeds Jeffrey Rink, who conducted the NFSO for 10 years, until spring 2018.
Der deutsche Bühnenverein, der Interessen- und Arbeitgeberverband der Theater und Orchester, hat angesichts jüngster Missbrauchs- und Mobbing-Skandale und auf seiner diesjährigen Jahreshauptversammlung in Lübeck einen ‘Wertebasierten Verhaltenskodex zur Prävention von sexuellen Übergriffen und Machtmissbrauch’ verabschiedet, den die Mitgliedstheater und -orchester in ihren Häusern kommunizieren und individuell weiterentwickeln werden. Read More →
Chinese conductor Xian Zhang (*19743) extends her contract as Music Director of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra for an additional four years, the orchestra announced. The contract will run through the 2023-24 season. Read More →
29-year-old Haruka Nagao from Japan has won First prize at the 2018 Carl Flesch International Violin Competition in Hungary. Joint Second prize was awarded to 23-year-old Eryu Feng from China and 18-year-old Louisa Staples from Great Britain. 27-year-old Julia Turnovsky from Austria took the 3rd prize.
Die Internationale Orgelwoche und die Nürnberger Altstadt-Einzelhändler haben ein Konzept entwickelt, das Kultur und Shopping kombiniert: die ‘IONacht + Handel offen nach 8’. Rund 80 Prozent der Einzelhändler von ‘Erlebnis Nürnberg’ sollen am 15. Juni abends ihre Türen öffnen und vier Kirchen laden ein zu Konzerten. Read More →
Literarische Sujets haben schon immer auf Komponisten ausgestrahlt und auch andersherum gab es Beeinflussungen. Wie Shakespeare Verse und englische Musik aus Renaissance und Barock aufeinander wirkten, zeigten Anna Prohaska und die ‘Akademie für Alte ‘ aus Berlin auf. Für Pizzicato lauschte Uwe Krusch. Read More →
The Cabildo de Gran Canaria and the Alfredo Kraus International Foundation have completed the inventory work of the artistic and personal legacy of the Gran Canaria tenor Alfredo Kraus. Read More →
Asheville Symphony (North Carolina) has announced that conductor Serbian born Darko Butorac will become Music Director beginning with the 2018-2019 season. Butorac succeeds Daniel Meyer, who served as music director of the Asheville Symphony from 2004 to 2017. He is also Music Director of the Tallahassee and Missoula Symphony orchestras.