Seit der Cellist Jan Vogler als Intendant die Musikfestspiele Dresden übernommen hat, hat das Festival deutlich an innovativem Charakter gewonnen. Erstklassige Musiker und Ensembles, genreübergreifende Projekte und außergewöhnliche Programme machen die Dresdner Musikfestspiele zu einem sehr interessanten Festival. Auch in diesem Jahr hat sich der Besuch wieder gelohnt, meint Alain Steffen, der der Veranstaltung einen Besuch abgestattet hat. Read More →
Der deutsche Dirigent, Cembalist und Organist Hanns-Martin Schneidt ist am 28. Mai im Alter von 87 Jahren verstorben, wie der Münchener Bach-Chor und das Münchener Bach-Orchester heute mitteilten. Read More →
The Mahler Chamber Orchestra announced today a long-term Artistic Partnership with Finnish violinist Pekka Kuusisto. This partnership will officially be launched in mid-July with an open-air concert at Audi Sommerkonzerte 2018, where Kuusisto is the festival’s 2018 Artist in Residence. Read More →
French ad hoc orchestra Chambre Philharmonique is shutting down, according to our colleagues from ResMusica. The reason is that since he became Music Director of the French National Orchestra, Emmanuel Krivine has no longer enough time for the Chambre Philharmonique which he founded together with his partner Anne Maury, a violinist, in 2004.
American conductor Tito Munoz, 34, has agreed to a contract extension as Music Director of the Phoenix Symphony (Arizona). Munoz joined the Phoenix Symphony in the 2013-14 season. He was previously Music Director of the Opéra national de Lorraine and Orchestre symphonique et lyrique de Nancy in Nancy, France, and Ensemble LPR in New York City, as well as Assistant Conductor of The Cleveland Orchestra, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and the Aspen Music Festival and School.
Zum Start des diesjährigen Sommer-Festivals lanciert das ‘Lucerne Festival’ ein Orchestercamp mit 130 Kindern und Jugendlichen. Read More →
The Venice Symphony (Florida) has announced the appointment of American conductor Troy Quinn, 34, as Music Director from the 2018-19 season. Quinn completed his three-year tenure as Music Director of the Juneau Symphony with his final concert on June 3, 2018. Read More →
In 2017, Poles attended more cultural events, according to the national statistics, but while cinemas, museums and mass events draw more visitors, the number of entries to theatres and music institutions decreased by 9 percent to 13 million.
Das Luzerner Sinfonieorchester verzeichnete in der Saison 2017/18 einen Besucherrekord. Über 50.000 Besucher kamen zu den Veranstaltungen.