Pianist Rudolf Jansen has died. He was best known as a singer’s accompanist, and reached the top of the international ranks in that field. Jansen, 84, died Monday in his hometown of Laren. Read More →

Tobias Scharfenberger

Der Intendant des Moselmusikfestivals, Tobias Scharfenberger, verlässt die Organisation nach der Saison 2025, der vierzigsten des Festivals. Das hat er dem Aufsichtsrat mitgeteilt. Die Stelle ist zur Neubesetzung ausgeschrieben. Read More →

Leo McFall
(c) Ronald Knapp

Der 43-jährige Brite Leo McFall wird ab der Spielzeit 2024/25 Generalmusikdirektor des Hessischen Staatstheaters Wiesbaden. McFall folgt auf Patrick Lange, der das Haus Anfang 2022 wegen künstlerischer Differenzen mit Intendant Uwe Eric Laufenberg verlassen hatte. Read More →

Brazilian conductor Tullio Colacioppo died on Sunday at his home at the age of 89. Specialized in opera repertoire, he was titular conductor of the Municipal Theater of São Paulo between 1961 and 2004 and founded the Mozarteum College of São Paulo.

Die Wiener Festwochen haben die mit Teodor Currentzis geplanten Konzerte abgesagt. Der russisch-griechische Dirigent sollte in einem inhaltlichen Kontext zu Konzerten mit Oksana Lyniv und dem Kyiv Symphony Orchestra auftreten. Read More →

Stravinsky Fountain in-between IRCAM (left) and Centre Pompidou
(c) Remy Franck

The Centre Pompidou in Paris will be closed for five years, from 2025 to 2030, during a 420-million-euro renovation project. IRCAM, the music center founded by Pierre Boulez, will not be affected by the work. It is located next to the Pompidou building and will remain open to the public for the duration of the Centre Pompidou work.

According to various newspaper reports from the island’s media, the situation of professional musicians in the UK, and especially in London, has deteriorated dramatically following the Brexit vote, which was only passed by a minority due to low voter turnout. Read More →

Radio Romania Muzical, the only Romanian radio station dedicated exclusively to classical music and jazz as increasing its audience significantly. The radio station is part of Radio Romania, established in 1928, a corporation which produces and broadcasts cultural products (radio programmes, recordings, albums, books and CDs), whilst being a major cultural player in the country. Read More →

Gleich dreimal standen Variationen auf dem Programm des Stipendiatenkonzertes der Cello-Studenten von Ivan Monighetti in Vaduz – zweimal sogar von Bohuslav Martinu. Am Klavier begleitete Ofelia Montalvan. Guy Engels berichtet. Read More →

Peter Boyer and Jeffrey Biegel

Pianist Jeffrey Biegel and composer Peter Boyer celebrate the centennial of George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, which was premiered on February 12, 1924. Boyer has composed a new 17-minute work for piano and orchestra, titled Rhapsody in Red, White & Blue, with Biegel as soloist. Biegel conceived the project and title of the new work, and selected Boyer as its composer. Read More →

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