The New Mexico Philharmonic in Albuquerque, USA, announced Brazilian-born conductor Roberto Minczuk, 50, as new Music Director, effective from September 2017. Minczuk is currently also Music Director of the Sao Paulo Teatro Municipal Orchestra and Music Director Laureate of the Calgary Philharmonic.

Casals Forum, Kronberg

Twenty-five years after its founding, Kronberg Academy is planning its own premises in Kronberg (Hessen, near Frankfurt): a concert hall (Casals Forum) aas well as an adjoining study and administrative centre. Read More →

Der Pianist und Dirigent Dennis Russell Davies, die Pianistin Maki Namekawa und der Komponist Philip Glass wurden mit dem Preis des Klavier-Festivals Ruhr ausgezeichnet. Read More →

Wie der WDR meldete, hat die deutsche Polizei bereits am 10. Juli den Reisebus des Sankt Petersburger Kammerorchesters auf einer Konzertreise in Köln an der Weiterfahrt gehindert. Die russischen Musiker waren in einem ‘maroden’ Reisebus unterwegs. Read More →

After the dismissal of Darren K. Woods Finnish-born Tuomas Hiltunen has been named General Director of the Fort Worth Opera. At the same time, Joe Illick, who has been the company’s music director since 2002, is named Artistic Director. Read More →

Nicholas DelBello

The Cheektowaga Symphony Orchestra has announced Nicholas DelBello as their new Music Director, effective September 1, 2017. He is the sixth person to hold the title in the ensemble’s 57-year history. DelBello is a native of Cheektowaga, the second largest suburb of Buffalo, New York. He is a trumpeter and organist too, and  a graduate of the State University of New York.

Gidon Kremer
Photo: Sasha Gusov

The road leading to the castle in Lockenhaus, Austria, has been named after Gidon Kremer, the founder of the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival. The violinist started this festival in 1981 and made Lockenhaus famous, the City Councel noted in the decision. In 2012, Gidon Kremer, honorary citizen of Lockenhaus, ended his tenure as Artistic director and cellist Nicolas Altstaedt became his successor.

The Macon Symphony Orchestra (Georgia, USA) has announced that it will be ending its existence after the October concert this fall. Read More →

Der knapp 22-jährige amerikanische Pianist George Li wird von der Arthur Waser Stiftung und dem Luzerner Sinfonieorchester mit dem Arthur Waser Förderpreis 2017 ausgezeichnet. Read More →

Franz Welser-Möst
Photo: Don Snyder

Der ‘Pro Arte Europapreis’ des Herbert-Batliner-Europainstituts geht 2017 an den Dirigenten Franz Welser-Möst (*1960). Die Auszeichnung wird bei einem Festakt am 4. August in Salzburg überreicht. Read More →

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