One of the most powerful music managers in France, René Martin, founder of La Folle Journée de Nantes and the International Piano Festival in La Roque d’Anthéron, is launching a new classical music festival to be held from 21 to 24 September in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (Normandy). Read More →

Vaclav Luks
(c) Petra Hajska

Der tschechische Cembalist, Hornist, Dirigent, Musikwissenschaftler und Pädagoge Vaclav Luks erhält den Mozartpreis 2017 der Sächsischen Mozart-Gesellschaft. Read More →

Yesterday, with ICMA President Remy Franck attending, the new trophy of the International Classical Music Awards was revealed in Paris. Unlike the old one, which served for the six first years of the most important international music award in the world, the new one has a more modernistic approach. Read More →

Zwei Solisten werden in diesem Jahr mit dem Preis des Deutschen Musikwettbewerbs ausgezeichnet. Dies entschied heute Abend die 36-köpfige Gesamtjury des 43. Deutschen Musikwettbewerbs, der vom 27. Februar bis 11. März 2017 erstmals in Leipzig stattfindet. Read More →

In Moscow, three music schools are to be closed because their buildings will to be demolished to build a new State run sports complex. Read More →

Nicholas Carter
(c) Annette Koroll

Askonas Holt announced that Nicholas Carter, 30,  has been appointed as the new chief conductor of Stadttheater Klagenfurt and the Kärntnersinfonieorchester, a position which he will take up in September 2018 for an initial three-year term. Read More →

Angela Gheorghiu

Argentinian as well as Romanian media largely report about Angela Gheorghiu’s decision to quit a production of Adriana Lecouvreur at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires. Indeed, in a message posted yesterday on her Facebook page, the soprano says, she is « deeply upset and disappointed about the lack of professionalism and discourtesy I have encountered in the last days in Buenos Aires, while I was very much looking forward to perform Adriana Lecouvreur at Teatro Colón. Read More →

Jaap van Zweden
(c) Hans Vanderwoerd/IMG

Dallas Symphony Orchestra music director Jaap van Zweden will not conduct rehearsals and concerts the week beginning April 3 due to family reasons. The Spanish conductor Gustavo Gimeno, music director of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Luxembourg, will step in as a substitute. Read More →

Franz Liszt

The Cambridge University has announced the premiere of an excerpt from the Italian opera by Franz Liszt found ten years ago by David Trippett in an archive in Weimar, Germany. The libretto is based on Lord Byron’s tragedy Sardanapalus. Read More →

Am Samstag twitterte der POTUS*, Obama habe ihn abhören lassen, was mittlerweile als Falschmeldung identifiziert wurde, gestern twitterte er, Obama habe 122 Häftlinge aus Guantanamo freigelassen, die jetzt wieder als Terroristen aktiv seien. Von den 122 waren aber bereits 113 unter der Regierung Bush freigelassen worden. ABC meldete, 30 von den 122 seien tot, weitere 25 in Haft. Ätsch, wieder beim Lügen erwischt, Donald! Read More →

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