Seit Mai 2015 besuchen musikinteressierte Internetuser die Online-Opernplattform ‘The Opera Platform‘. Sie basiert auf der Partnerschaft zwischen dem Dachverband für Opernhäuser und -festivals in Europa Opera Europa, dem Kultursender ARTE und 15 europäischen Opernhäusern und wird vom Programm ‘Kreatives Europa’ der EU-Kommission unterstützt. Seit Bestehen der Plattform nutzten 1.092.609 Opernliebhaber das Angebot, die Videos wurden inzwischen 1.601.059 Mal gestreamt. Read More →

French city Le Havre (Normandy) has launched a vast project boosting musical experiences. Baptized ‘Vibrate in Le Havre’, the plan will support practice of music, creation and listening. According to the mayor of the city, Édouard Philippe, Le Havre has a very good musical infrastructure, yet the population does not use it sufficiently. Read More →

Lukasz Krupinski

Twenty-four-year-old Polish pianist Lukasz Krupinski has been awarded First Prize at the San Marino Piano Competition. In addition to the first prize, he received the critics’ prize, the audience prize and a special award from the San Marino Symphony Orchestra. Ukrainian-born Dmytro Choni from Austria, won Second Prize and Meng-Sheng Shen (Taiwan) was third. Thirty pianists took part in the contest.


Chaired by Pierre Amoyal the Jury of the 2016 George Enescu International Violin Competition (Bucharest) has awarded First Prize to 23 year old Gyehee Kim from South Korea. Gyehee Kim is a graduate of the Seoul National University, and she acquired renown as a former prize winner at the Isang Yun International Violin Competition and the Tchaikovsky International Competition for Young Violinists. 2nd and 3rd prizes were awarded to Donghyun Kim, 16, from South Korea and Erzhan Kulibaev, 29, from Kazakhstan.

Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg

Am 24. September laden die Orchestermusiker, der Chefdirigent Gustavo Gimeno und das Team des Hauses herzlich dazu ein, einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Philharmonie zu werfen.Bei freiem Eintritt bietet ‘Orchestramania’ zahlreiche Angebote zum Zuhören und Mitmachen. Große und kleine Konzerte, Musiktheater, Instrumentenworkshops und Führungen geben Jung und Alt einen Einblick in die faszinierende Welt eines symphonischen Orchesters. Mit etwas Glück kann man sogar selbst auf das Dirigentenpodest steigen und vom Chefdirigent persönlich in die Kunst des Dirigierens eingewiesen werden, Das komplette Programm des Tages ist auf der Internetseite der Philharmonie abrufbar.


Salle Pleyel, Paris

Since years, the ex-wife of the former owner of Salle Pleyel in Paris, Carla-Maria Tarditi is fighting against the conversion of the famous hall into a location for non-classical music. Her husband sold the hall to the French state in 2009, and since the management of the new Philharmonic hall in the North-eastern part of the French capital was determined to rule out any possible concurrence, they decided to transform it into an establishment for commercial music. Therefore, the hall has been completely refurbished and acoustically adapted. It is due to open next Saturday. Read More →

Music life in Novosibirsk fails to calm down. The General Director of the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic, Tatiana Lyudmilina, has unexpectedly be dismissed by  the Minister of Culture of the Novosibirsk region, Igor Reshetnikov. According to Lyudmilina, no reason was given fir her dismissal. She was on this post since January 2014.

Giancarlo Guerrero

Giancarlo Guerrero, the Nashville Symphony’s music director since 2009, has signed a contract extension through the 2024-25 season. According to a press release, that will make him the second-longest-serving conductor in the orchestra’s history. Giancarlo Guerrero, 47, a native of Costa Rica, is also principal guest conductor of The Cleveland Orchestra Miami Residency.

In 1941, over 110,000 people were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators at Babi Yar near Kiev in the Ukraine. It began when 33,771 Jews were killed on just two days, 29th and 30th September 1941, and it continued for the next several years with the murder of tens of thousands of more Jews, as well as Roma/Gypsies, Soviet prisoners-of-war, Ukrainian national activists, and Communist party members from various parts of Ukraine. The 75th anniversary of the worst of these massacres are commemorated by several concerts in Kiev. Read More →

Moscow Trio

At the Moscow Conservatory, the Moscow Trio was awarded a certificate of ‘Record for longevity’ of the Russian Book of Records. The ensemble consists of Russian pianist Alexander Bonduryansky, violinist Vladimir Ivanov and cellist Mikhail Utkin. According to the diploma, the Moscow Trio is Russia’s only ensemble to play in the same line-up for 40 years. Read More →

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