The Scottish independent record label Linn Records is partnering with Belgium-based Outhere Music. The collaboration is to allow both brands to explore further opportunities from a wider roster of musicians. Additionally, Outhere Music will re-launch in 2017, allowing consumers to access and explore even more high quality music from Outhere Music’s catalogue, all through a new cutting-edge download service.
In 2017, the Queen Elisabeth competition is holding for the first time in its history a competition devoted to cellists. It will take place from 8 May – 3 June 2017. Applications are now open, application deadline is fixed at 11 January 2017. Candidates must be born after 31 December 1986. Read More →
Petra Müllejans, die seit über zwei Jahrzehnten das FBO künstlerisch geleitet hat, legt diese Aufgabe zum Ende der Spielzeit 2016/17 nieder. Sie bleibt weiterhin festes Mitglied des Ensembles. Read More →
The Scottish Chamber Orchestra is behind plans to build a new concert hall in Edinburgh. The £45 million 1000-capacity complex is to be built in the heart of Edinburgh’s New Town just off St Andrew Square. The SCO has made a joint venture with a new charitable trust, IMPACT Scotland, to draw up the plans.
The League of American Orchestras has published an overview of the activities of its members over a nine-year period from 2006 to 2014. The key elements of the report show that in 2014, there were 1,224 U.S. orchestras, distributed widely across all 50 states. Read More →
Das marode Hauptgebäude der Musikhochschule München muss saniert werden. Die Münchner Abendzeitung meldete, es werde ein Termin in 2019 ins Auge gefasst. Read More →
Die Erforschung der zweitgrößten Richard-Wagner-Sammlung der Welt, der so genannten ‘Oesterlein’-Sammlung in der Eisenacher Reuter-Villa am Fuße der Wartburg ist bis 2019 finanziell abgesichert: Die Volkswagen-Stiftung bewilligte eine Förderung in Höhe von 400.000 Euro. Read More →
Laut Informationen des SRF muss der Trägerverein der ‘Oper Schenkenberg’ aus Schinznach-Dorf (Kanton Aarau) Konkurs anmelden. Die Aufführungen’ der Freiluftoper ‘Rigoletto’ im Sommer habe ein großes Defizit verursacht. Read More →
British violinist Nigel Kennedy, 59, is considering leaving Britain for Germany, he told Sky News. He might settle in Berlin because he does no longer want to live in a « fascist » and « racist » country. He also used another word for Brexit, replacing the ‘x’ by two other letters…