Bayreuth, Festspielhaus

The drama around this year’s Parsifal at the Bayreuth Festival in Germany, hasn’t received any concrete explanation. The festival management won’t comment why Andris Nelsons has withdrawn from the new production and neither does the conductor’s management. The statement of Nelson’s management is rather vague: « Owing to a differing approach in various matters, the atmosphere at this year’s Bayreuth Festival did not develop in a mutually comfortable way for all parties. » Read More →

Andris Nelsons

Approximately three weeks before the first performance, Andris Nelsons, the conductor of this year’s Parsifal in Bayreuth has slammed the door and walked out of the Wagner festival. The reasons for Nelson’s decision are not yet very clear. Some sources speak about major differences with stage director Uwe Eric Laufenberg and the Islam-critical content of his staging, other sources cite differences between Nelsons and Bayreuth’s music director Christian Thielemann. In some German reports it is said that Thielemann interfered too much with Nelson’s conducting. Read More →

Stefan Arzberger

Das Leipziger Streichquartett, dass wegen der bornierten Haltung eines amerikanischen Richters seinen Primgeiger Stefan Arzberger verlor, ist erleichtert nach dessen viel zu spät erfolgter Freisprechung. Auf der FB-Seite schreibt das Quartett: « Ende einer Dienstfahrt: wir sind erleichtert und bestürzt zugleich. Keine Frage, niemand hat hier an die Stichhaltigkeit der unsinnigen Vorwürfe geglaubt. Bestürzt, weil ein unmenschliches Rechtssystem keinen Halt kennt. »


Erwin Stürzer

Erwin Stürzer, seit vielen Jahren in der Klassikbranche tätig und langjähriger ‘Managing Director’ beim Klassikvideo-Label Arthaus Musik, wird ‘General Manager’ der neu geschaffenen ‘Audiovisual division’ der Naxos Music Group. Read More →

Jan Ignacy Paderewski

This Wednesday, 30 June, marks the 75th anniversary of the death of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, a Polish pianist, composer and statesman. At this occasion an open-air musical marathon has been scheduled along the so called Royal Route in the centre of Warsaw’s Royal Route, with a big number of performances and films about Paderewski. Read More →

Die deutsche Regierung hat gestern die Einrichtung eines neuen Förderfonds für zeitgenössische Musik bekannt gegeben. Read More →

Stefan Arzberger

Die Anklage wegen versuchten Mordes gegen den 43-jährigen deutschen Geiger Stefan Arzberger in New York ist fallengelassen worden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft beschloss nach 15 Monaten, keinen Prozess anzustrengen. Damit kann der frühere Erste Geiger des Leipziger Streichquartetts nach Deutschland zurückkehren. Read More →

Four scores by Italian composer Gaspare Spontini (1774-1851) have been discovered in the library of the Ursel Castle in Hingene, Belgium. Among them are three long lost operas, Il quadro parlante, Il geloso e l’audace and Le metamorfosi di Pasquale ossia Farsa as well as the cantata L’eccelsa gara. Presumably the music was brought there via the descendants of Spontini’s wife Céleste Erard. Now, a research group from the Royal Antwerp Conservatory will analyze the scores and prepare them for eventual performance and recording.

Fabio Luisi

Italian conductor Fabio Luisi (*1959), who was scheduled to become chief conductor of the Danish Radio Symphony in Copenhagen in 2017, will start his job earlier than planned, on 1 September 2016.

Opéra Bastille, Paris

The employees of the National Opera in Paris are on strike, again and again! The performance of Verdi’s Aida scheduled for today, Tuesday 28 June 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Opera Bastille is cancelled. The management apologises and propose either a ticket exchange for another performance of the same production, or a refund.

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