According to information from The, 87% of the musicians of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Gran Canaria have asked the manager, Juan Mendoza, to resign. The musicians say, Mendoza has provoked a « continuing situation of personal mistreatment of the orchestra’s musicians ». Apparently, the situation has worsened over the months, to the point that the musicians have announced they will go on strike in September, if there was no satisfying response to their demand.
Vladimir Kekhman, since May 2007 General Director and today also Artistic Director of the Mussorgsky State Academic Opera and Ballet – the Mikhailovsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, has been declared personally bankrupt by a St Petersburg court. Nearly all of his income will be confiscated for the benefit of creditors, leaving just enough for Kekhman to live. Read More →
Gestern gingen die Münchner Opernfestspiele 2016 mit Richard Wagners ‘Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg’ zu Ende. Intendant Nikolaus Bachler beschließt die Festspiele in seiner achten Saison mit einer Auslastung von 99,92 Prozent bei den Opern- und Ballettvorstellungen im National- und Prinzregententheater. Insgesamt standen an knapp 40 Tagen fast 90 Veranstaltungen auf dem Spielplan. Read More →
Die diesjährige Sommerbilanz der Tiroler Festspiele Erl führt die Erfolgsmeldungen der vergangenen Jahre fort und übertrifft das Vorjahresergebnis aufs Neue. Die fünf ausverkauften Vorstellungen im Passionsspielhaus und acht vollbesetzte Opernabende sorgten für eine Auslastung von 99,19 %. Auch die gesteigerte Resonanz der Kammermusikabende im Festspielhaus spielen für das Erfolgsergebnis eine wesentliche Rolle. Insgesamt konnten in diesem Festspielsommer mehr als 22.000 Zuschauer gezählt werden.
Colin Collette, Music Director at Holy Family Catholic Church in Inverness (Illinois) for 17 years, was fired in 2014 after he publicized his same-sex marriage engagement. He filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Chicago and the parish where he worked, yet the Church brought up a procedural motion to have the case dismissed. Last week, a federal judge declined to dismiss the complaint. The fired Music Director will now continue his lawsuit and seek reinstatement, back pay and benefits, damages and attorneys’ fees.
Thanks to the sponsorship of a Spanish communication company, the Young Baroque Orchestra of Andalusia (JOBA) is able to resume its activities. In June, JOBA had cancelled all the concerts due to the lack of money.
Percussionist Peter Sadlo (*1962), one of the world’s most renowned percussionists and hailed as an innovative musician died today after a surgery. Sadlo’s extraordinary musical intuition and virtuosity have made him an internationally sought after artist. Read More →