Tobias Scharfenberger wurde gestern als designierter Intendant und Geschäftsführer des Mosel Musikfestivals vorgestellt. Er übernimmt ab 01. Januar 2017 die Geschäftsführung des Festivals und ab 01. Januar 2018 auch die künstlerische Leitung von Gründungsintendant Hermann Lewen, der nach dann 32 Jahren und weit über 1.600 Konzerten Ende 2017 die Leitung des Festivals abgeben wird. Read More →
Der katalanische Dramaturg Albert Boadella und der spanische Komponist Juanjo Colomer bereiten zurzeit eine Oper vor, deren Hauptfigur der Maler Picasso sein wird. Die Oper soll im Januar 2018 im ‘Teatro del Canal’ in Madrid uraufgeführt werden, dessen künstlerischer Leiter Boadella ist.
The Korean press today reports that Police has cleared conductor Myung-Whun Chung of suspicions he misused Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra’s accounts for personal expenses. In the follow-up of the conductor’s dispute with the former CEO, Mrs. Park, Chung was accused of embezzlement. After analyzing Chung’s travel records and receipts of tickets acquired between 2005 and 2015, the police concluded that there was no misconduct. Police said they will send the case to the prosecution Friday, recommending a non-indictment. Read More →
Mark Allen McCoy, Music Director of the Loudoun Symphony Orchestra in Leesburg, Virginia, passed away on July 31 after a year-long battle with cancer. McCoy served as music director and conductor of the Loudoun Symphony Orchestra for 18 years. He guest conducted orchestras in Europe, Russia, Japan and the United States.
In the 2015/16 season, the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg organized 1374 performances and concerts with an occupancy rate of more than 90%. Performances and concerts took place on seven stages: in the historic building of the Mariinsky Theatre, at the Mariinsky Concert hall, at Mariinsky-2 and at four of the chamber music halls. Read More →
24 junge Musiker des ‘Verbier Festival’ haben für einen Werbefilm der lokalen Seilbahnen oben auf dem Gipfel des Mont Fort Auszüge aus der ‘Alpensinfonie’ von Richard Strauss gespielt. Das junge Ensemble, das von Tamás János Davida dirigiert wird, besteht nur aus Blechblasinstrumenten und Schlagzeug, da andere Instrumente die frühmorgendlichen niedrigen Temperaturen von ca. 5 Grad Celsius oben auf dem Alpenberg nicht ausgehalten hätten. Read More →
According to information from The, 87% of the musicians of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Gran Canaria have asked the manager, Juan Mendoza, to resign. The musicians say, Mendoza has provoked a « continuing situation of personal mistreatment of the orchestra’s musicians ». Apparently, the situation has worsened over the months, to the point that the musicians have announced they will go on strike in September, if there was no satisfying response to their demand.
Vladimir Kekhman, since May 2007 General Director and today also Artistic Director of the Mussorgsky State Academic Opera and Ballet – the Mikhailovsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, has been declared personally bankrupt by a St Petersburg court. Nearly all of his income will be confiscated for the benefit of creditors, leaving just enough for Kekhman to live. Read More →