In the category DVD Performance, this year's prize of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) has been awarded to Rileggendo Brahms with the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana conducted by Markus Poschner. This OSI production with the complete Brahms Symphonies has been supported by Helsinn, the orchestra's international partner, and was published on two DVDs by Sony Classical in December 2016. The live recordings were made during the first season at the LAC Theater in Lugano. Nicola Catto has spoken with Denise Fedeli, OSI's Artistic-administrative Manager.

How and when this project devoted to the Brahms Symphonies was born?
In May 2013 in Munich, when I was setting up our future collaboration with our new Music Director Markus Poschner. Both we wanted to begin with a great project, articulated over several concerts, to be realized during the opening season of the LAC, Lugano’s new concert hall. Read More →

Richard Danielpour: Streichquartette Nr. 5 (In Search of La vita nuova), 6 (Addio), 7 (Psalm of Solace); Hila Plitmann, Sopran, Delray String Quartet; 1 CD Naxos (8.559845); Aufnahme 05/2015, Veröffentlichung 01/2018 (75'55) – Rezension von Remy Franck

Mit Richard Danielpours ‘italienischem’ Quartett beginnt das Programm dieser CD, die drei neo-romantische und programmatisch konzipierte Streichquartette des 1956 geborenen amerikanischen Komponisten enthält. Read More →

Robert Spano, 56, has announced plans to conclude his tenure as music director of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in June 2021. The 2020-21 season will mark his 20th year with the orchestra, making him one of the longest-tenured music directors of a major American orchestra. Following the 2020-21 season, he will assume the title of conductor laureate, and will continue to conduct it on a regular basis. A committee will be formed to begin the search for Spano’s successor. Read More →

Feliks Nowowiejski: Symphonien Nr. 2 & 3; Philharmonisches Orchester Poznan, Lukasz Borowicz; 1 CD Dux 1446; Aufnahme 08/2017, Veröffentlichung 01/2018 (73'19) – Rezension von Remy Franck

Der polnische Komponist, Organist, Dirigent und Pädagoge Feliks Nowowiejski (1877-1946) wird international gerade erst entdeckt. In den Schallplattenkatalogen ist er in erster Linie mit seinen Vokalwerken und seinen Orgelsymphonien vertreten. Read More →

Le Violon de Proust; César Franck: Sonate für Violine und Klavier, Reynaldo Hahn: Sonate für Violine und Klavier; Camille Saint-Saëns: Sonate für Violine und Klavier Nr. 1; Gabriel Tchalik, Violine, Dania Tchalik, Klavier, 1 CD Evidence EVCD036, Aufnahmen 02/2017, Veröffentlichung: 11/2017 (73:44) – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Die Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit war das größte und zeitaufwendigste Werk des französischen Autors und Sozialkritikers Marcel Proust. Neben der Darstellung der gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen hat Proust in den zwanzig Jahren der Entstehung dieses Werkes den Wettlauf mit der eigenen ablaufenden Lebenszeit und der Erinnerung an die verlorene Vergangenheit darzustellen. Read More →

Following the unanimous recommendation of the Music Director Search Committee, the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra has named Yuga Cohler, 28, as the orchestra’s new Music Director, Broadway World Connecticut reports. Cohler will make his debut in Ridgefield on 5 May. Read More →

Das deutsche Label OehmsClassics ist jetzt Teil der Naxos-Gruppe. Eine entsprechende Vereinbarung zur Ăśbernahme der Geschäftsanteile wurde bereits unterzeichnet, teilt das Label mit. Read More →

In January 2017, Austrian conductor Manfred Honeck took over the Czech Philharmonic’s subscription concerts because of the poor health of the orchestra’s chief conductor, Jiri Belohlavek. Among his concerts was a performance of Bohuslav Martinu’s The Epic of Gilgamesh which was also recorded and released by Supraphon. Here is an interview which the label contributes to Pizzicato's editorial.

It was your very first encounter with the score of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Was it just an assignment or was it a joy?
I have been familiarising myself with Czech music step by step. I received my education in Vienna, which involves learning the old classics – by Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Mahler, Bruckner … Then Dvorak appeared … My first contact with Czech music was through Antonin Dvorak, followed by Bedrich Smetana and Leos Janacek. And then Bohuslav Martinu. Read More →

French label NoMadMusic has won the Innovation Award of the city of Paris for its NomadPlay application. Designed for amateur or professional musicians, it will allow the user to take the place of a musician at the heart of an orchestra from his own place. The label announces an immersive experience, with a spatialized sound, synchronised scrolling of the score and a large catalogue of musical works. NomadPlay is scheduled to go online in 2018. Currently it is still in a test phase, but anyone interested in the project can become a beta tester.

Philippe Chamouard: Symphonie Nr. 5 (Le Manuscript des Etoiles) + Le Portail Céleste; Mihail Jora Philharmonie Bacau, Alain Pâris; 1 CD Indésens INDE099; Aufnahmen 02/2017, Veröffentlichung 10/2017 (60'18) – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Der Erkundung der menschlichen Selbsterkenntnis unter philosophischen und metaphysischen Aspekten folgt die fĂĽnfte Symphonie ‘Manuskript der Sterne’ des französischen Komponisten Philippe Chamouard. Diese als sein Hauptwerk gewertete Komposition ist groĂź in fĂĽnf Sätzen angelegt. Read More →

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