Im Uhrenland Schweiz geht’s mit Pendelschlag: Zürich hat sein Musikfestival von einjährig auf zweijährig umgeschaltet und Bern tut nun das Gegenteil: Ab 2017 findet das dortige Musikfestival jährlich statt, freilich mit einer reduzierten Zahl von Veranstaltungen. Die nächste Ausgabe ist für September 2017 angesagt.

Vincent Larderet
(c) Martin Teschner

French pianist Vincent Larderet has been named Artistic director of Piano au Musée Würth in Erstein/Alsace. The first edition of this festival planned by Larderet will take place from October 28th till November 6th, 2016. The audience will have the possibility to hear pianists like Michel Dalberto, Philippe Cassard, Luis Fernando Perez and Larderet himself. More information is available here.


Seija Ozawa, Knut Franke
(c) Martin Walz

Vor der gestrigen Generalprobe in der Berliner Philharmonie haben die Berliner Philharmoniker als Ausdruck ihrer langjährigen Verbundenheit Seiji Ozawa in den Kreis der Ehrenmitglieder des Orchesters aufgenommen.   Read More →

The Advisory Board of the Fondazione Arena di Verona under the chairmanship of the Mayor Flavio Tosi, has decided to liquidate the foundation. Read More →

The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra has received £ 500.000 (€ 620.000) from the Rachel Baker Memorial Charity, one of the largest single in the orchestra’s history.

Russian Conductor Semyon Kogan died yesterday, aged 88. Kogan was the founder and first chief conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Omsk from 1966 to 1976. He later became music director in Rostov-on-Don, and professor of Rostov State Conservatory. After the collapse of the Soviet Union he also conducted in foreign countries.

Krystian Zimerman
Photo: Kasskara / DG

Polish pianist Krystian Zimerman surprised the audience at his recital in the Italian city of Macerata earlier this week. Instead of performing on his own Steinway, as he uses to do, he played on an old instrument he had discovered backstage at the Teatro Lauro Rossi, the recital venue. Together with the piano tuner Antonino Rappoccio, he took the piano apart, piece by piece, and later put everything together, with the necessary regulations made, and went to play his much applauded recital on the old grand, also a Steinway, as the Italian press reports.

Peter Seabourne, applauded in Prague

There is plenty of mystery and deep reflection, yet also lively virtuosity in the Piano Concerto no. 2 by British composer Peter Seabourne, which received its World Premiere in March at the Martinu Hall (Lichtenstein Palace) in Prague, played by Kristina Stepasjukova and the Academy Orchestra of the Czech Philharmonic. Read More →

Bayreuth, Festspielhaus

Der ‘Nordbayerische Kurier’ berichtet von verschärften Sicherheitsvorkehrungen am Grünen Hügel in Bayreuth. Die Festspiele haben das bestätigt. Ob ein Zusammenhang mit der Eröffnungsinszenierung des ‘Parsifal’ von Regisseur Uwe Eric Laufenberg steht, wurde nicht gesagt. Angeblich plant der Regisseur eine « islamkritische » Interpretation der Wagner-Oper. Laut Festspiel-Sprecher Emmerich handelt es sich generell um einen « religionskritischen Ansatz ».

Susanna Mälkki

The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association has announced the appointment of Susanna Mälkki as Principal Guest Conductor of the LA Phil. She assumes her new role in the 2017/18 season for a three-year term. This position has been held by only two previous conductors: Sir Simon Rattle (1981-1994) and Michael Tilson Thomas (1981-1985). Read More →

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