Texas-born conductor Eric Garcia, 39, has been named music director of the Boise Philharmonic, the orchestra announced on Monday. He is the winner of a search which involved seven candidates. Garcia replaces Robert Franz, who stepped down in 2016. Read More →

Jonathan Handman has been named Music Director of the Woodstock Chamber Orchestra. Handman was chosen by the orchestra’s Search committee, which had to evaluate four 4 candidates for the post. Read More →

Das Orchester ‘Solistes EuropĂ©ens Luxembourg’ hat heute bei einer Pressekonferenz Pläne fĂĽr mehrere Aufnahmeprojekte bekanntgegeben. So wird das Orchester die Symphonien der französischen Komponistin Louise Farrenc (1804-1875) fĂĽr Naxos aufnehmen. Dieses Projekt mit dem Label Naxos kam durch Vermittlung von Pizzicato-Chefredakteur Remy Franck zustande. Read More →

Alexei Stanchinsky: Piano Works (12 Sketches for Piano op. 1, Piano Sonata No. 1 in F major, Songs without Words, Preludes; Ekaterina Derzhavina, Klavier; 1 CD Profil PH 17003; Aufnahme 2016, Veröffentlichung 03/2017 (59') – Rezension von Remy Franck

Als Alexei Stanchinsky 1914 unter ungeklärten Umständen tot aufgefunden wurde, war er gerade mal 26 Jahre alt. Er litt unter ‘Dementia praecox’ und lebte zeitweilig in einer Heilanstalt. Als Komponist hat er nur wenige Werke hinterlassen. Sie sind ungewöhnlich, sehr frei komponiert, haben einen Touch von Scriabin und bieten ein auĂźergewöhnliches Hörerlebnis. « Hätte er etwas länger gelebt, wĂĽrden wir jetzt mit Sicherheit vom ‘russischen Bach’ sprechen », findet Ekaterina Derzhavina, die Pianistin dieses Albums. Read More →

Anton Bruckner: Sämtliche Symphonien; Staatskapelle Berlin, Daniel Barenboim; 9 CDs Deutsche Grammophon 8947 96985; Aufnahme 2010-2012, z.T. live, Veröffentlichung 01/2017 (550') Rezension von Alain Steffen

Eindeutig! Dies ist die beste Gesamteinspielung der Bruckner-Symphonien, die es gibt…!? Aber wir wissen alle, sogenannte „beste Aufnahmen“ hat es immer gegeben und wird es auch in Zukunft immer geben. Auch bei Bruckner! In den Sechzigerjahren gab es den besten Bruckner mit  Eugen Jochum und Bernard Haitink, in den Siebziger- und Achtzigerjahren waren es GĂĽnther Wand und Herbert von Karajan, die Bruckner-Geschichte schrieben, danach, seien wir ehrlich, wurde in Sachen Bruckner nicht mehr viel AuĂźergewöhnliches geboten. Read More →

In the small town of Luslawice in South Poland, 100 kilometres east from Krakow, composer Krzysztof Penderecki initiated a musical centre for young musicians, built on his land, not far from his own manor and his superb Arboretum. The Krzysztof Penderecki European Center for Music, as it is called, is today an important venue hosting master-classes, workshops and concerts for and with young musicians, bearing at the same time a huge cultural influence on the entire region, Remy Franck reports.

“No artistic creativity can survive without roots », Penderecki says. « Let’s look at a tree: it teaches us that a work of art must take roots in two things – the ground and the sky – and that the most sublimate and fundamental values are always the key. » Read More →

In 2017, French violinist Chouchane Siranossian is a double Award winner of ICMA (International Classical Music Awards), for her CD L'ange et le diable with Jos van Immerseel and as Concertmaster of Ensemble Esperanza. Remy Franck made the following interview with her.

Chouchane, your family roots go back to Armenia. What does this mean for your music-making?
For sure, my roots have an influence on my playing and even in general on my life. My father is a well-known specialist of this music and his approach certainly had and has an influence on my own music-making. I was born in France, I have grown up in France, so I feel myself as being French, but I have several times been in Armenia and above all I have heard this music at home. When I was a child my grand-parents would sing Armenian folksongs! Read More →

The non-governmental organization ‘Freedom of musical expression’, Freemuse, has published its latest figures on the persecution of artists around the world. In 2016, Freemuse registered 1,028 attacks on artists and violations of their rights across 78 countries. The number of cases registered in 2016 more than doubled the amount in 2015, Fremuse says: « Of those more than one thousand cases, Freemuse documented 188 total serious violations of artistic freedom and 840 acts of censorship. » Read More →

Following the protection measures taken by the new POTUS*, entering the United States can become a nightmare for performing artists, even when they do not come from one of the banned countries. Read More →

While the US are spending $10 millions of public money on each weekend trip of their current President, plus millions for the security of his wife and his children – even when his sons inaugurate a Trump resort in Dubai –  the arts sector managers position themselves in order to fight the announced measures of reducing or cutting fiscal advantages for arts funding. Read More →

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