The International Malko Competition for Young Conductors is open for applications until 18 November 2020, the organizer today announced. The competition is hosted by The Danish National Symphony Orchestra and the Jury is headed by Fabio Luisi. The competition will take place on 7-12 June 2021 in DR Koncerthuset, Copenhagen. Info:

Georg Friedrich Händel: Der Messias in der Fassung von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Elena Tsallagova, Sorpan, Wiebke Lehmkuhl, Alt, Richard Croft, Tenor, José Coca Loza, Bass, Alexis Fousekis, Tänzer, Max Harris, Alter Mann, Leopoldine Richards, ein Kind, Philharmonia Chor Wien (Chordirektor: Walter Zeh), Les Musiciens du Louvre, Marc Minkowski, Dirigent, Robert Wilson, Regie; 1 DVD Unitel Edition OA1302D; Aufnahme 2020, Veröffentlichung 08/2020 (135') – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Der Messias mit Les Musiciens du Louvre und Marc Minkowski mag zunächst nach guter bis sehr guter Darbietung des Werkes klingen, aber eben auch ganz konventionell, und das als DVD? Doch diese Vermutung greift aus zwei Perspektiven zu kurz. Zum einen handelt es sich sozusagen um den Messias, nicht den Messiah, und zum anderen ist er im Operngewand zu sehen. Read More →

Ludwig van Beethoven: Works for Guitar and Piano (Serenade D-Dur, Sonatina c-Moll, 12 Variations Se vuol ballare, Sonatina in C major, Adagio ma non troppo, Andante con Variazioni D-Dur, 5 Stücke für Flötenuhr, 12 Variationen Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen; Franz Halasz, Gitarre, Debora Halasz, Klavier; 1 CD BIS 2505; Aufnahme 02/2019, Veröffentlichung 08/2020 (74’40) - Rezension von Guy Engels

Das Beethoven-Jahr 2020 ist auch eine Entdeckungsreise in die Nischen seines Werkes, in jenen Bereich des Katalogs der mit ‘Werke ohne Opuszahl’ überschrieben ist. Zu dieser Werkreihe gehören auch manche von Beethovens Kompositionen für die Mandoline. Read More →

Armenian pianist and conductor Vahan Mardirossian, 45, has been named Music Director of the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie in Belgium. Read More →

DnaNudge, developer of the rapid, lab-free CovidNudge test has announced a special partnership with the London Symphony Orchestra, delivering regular COVID-19 testing to the orchestra’s 120 musicians. DnaNudge is performing the testing – which delivers results in just over an hour – exclusively for the LSO as sponsors. Read More →

Deux mezzos, sinon rien; Johannes Brahms: 4 Duette, op. 61 + Die Meere, op. 20, n°3; Charles Gounod: D'un coeur qui t'aime + Bienheureux le coeur sincère; Léo Delibes: Les 3 oiseaux; Camille Saint-Saëns: El Desdichado + Pastorale; Jules MASSENET | Rêvons, c'est l'heure; Félix Mendelssohn: 4 Duette op. 63; Jules Massenet: 2 Duos, op. 2; Ernest Chausson: La nuit , op 11/1; Gabriel Fauré: Pleurs d’or, op. 72 + Puisqu’ici bas toute âme, op. 10; Karine Deshayes, Delphine Haidan, Mezzosopran, Johan Farjot, Klavier; 1 CD Klarthe K081; Aufnahme 05/2019, Veröffentlichung 09/2020 (51') - Rezension von Remy Franck

‘Zwei Mezzos, sonst nichts’, ist eine absolut deliziöse CD, auf der die beiden Mezzosopranistinnen Karine Deshayes und Delphine Haidan ein eher seltenes Programm mit Duetten des komischen, aber auch des melancholischeren Repertoires singen. Read More →

The biennial Iturbi International Piano Competition Valencia, created in 1981 will be commemorating its 40th anniversary in 2021. The application period remains open until 31st October. Read More →

In the Infirmary of Milano’s opera house La Scala, a large-scale testing for all the members of the orchestra, choir and corps de ballet was started last Friday. They have to undergo the test before resuming activity inside the theatre. Superintendent Dominique Meyer decided this additional security measure after serological tests showed that many people from the artistic staff have come into contact with the virus in the most acute phase of the pandemic. Read More →

Finnish conductor Dalia Stasevska says she and her family have received abuse and even threats, after a newspaper article implied she played some role in the BBC’s decision to include only orchestral versions of two patriotic and colonialist songs. One of the political voices for Britain’s departure from the European Union, Nigel Farage, took to social media to write “so the BBC may drop Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory from The Proms because the Finnish conductor is too woke. Why not drop her instead?” Read More →

The Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra has announced that JoAnn Falletta will serve as Artistic Advisor to the ensemble. Falletta will provide expert guidance and artistic continuity as CIM continues its search in 2020-21 for a permanent conductor. Falletta will also conduct five CIM Orchestra concerts over three years. Read More →

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