Christian Thielemann
(c) Deutsche Grammophon

Weil sich regelmäßig Anhänger der islam- und fremdenfeindlichen Pegida-Bewegung vor der Dresdner Semperoper versammeln, erwägt die Stadt ein Demonstrationsverbot. Dresdens Generalmusikdirektor Thielemann fordert anstelle des Verbots eine Bannmeile um das historische Zentrum von Dresden. Read More →

Die deutsche Mezzosopranistin Stella Doufexis starb heute im Alter von nur 47 Jahren in Berlin. Die Tochter des griechischen Regisseurs Stavros Doufexis und einer deutschen Mutter studierte Gesang u.a. bei Ingrid Figur und Anna Reynolds. Sie absolvierte Meisterkurse bei Aribert Reimann und Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. 2005 wurde die an vielen Häusern gefragte Sängerin festes Ensemblemitglied der Komischen Oper Berlin. Read More →

Hatten wir uns zu früh gefreut? Vom ‘Radio 100,7’ nach seinen Visionen und Plänen gefragt, antwortete Luxemburgs neuer Kultur-Staatssekretär Guy Arendt, dafür sei es noch zu früh, zunächst müsse er sein neues Amt « verdauen ». Das darf doch wohl nicht wahr sein! Read More →

Luxemburgs Kulturministerin Maggy Nagel hat, wie erwartet, heute im Ministerrat ihren Rücktritt eingereicht. Das Nägelchen, an dem ihre Karriere zuletzt hing, ist gebrochen. Ihre Nachfolge übernimmt Luxemburgs Premierminister Xavier Bettel höchstpersönlich, mit, als Staatssekretär an seiner Seite, Guy Arendt. Read More →

A Liverpool brewery has created a new ale for Vasily Petrenko, the Music Director of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. The Vasily Petrenko Ale, from Mad Hatter Brewing Company, will be on sale in the bar at the Philharmonic Hall as well as online and from selected outlets. Vasily Petrenko Ale has been specially selected by Petrenko (39). It’s a traditional style pale ale with American hops, light and smooth, with a zingy citrus aroma and mellow finish.

Christoph König

The orchestra Solistes Européens, Luxembourg (SEL) announced that German Conductor Christoph König (47) has agreed to extend his contract as Music Director through the season 2018-2019. Read More →

Monserrat Caballé

A court of Barcelona has sentenced Spanish opera singer Montserrat Caballé to six-month probation over tax evasion. In addition, the 82-year-old has to pay 320,000 euros in fines. She agreed to bilateral agreement between her lawyers, the prosecution and the tax office. In the settlement of concert revenues she had indicated Andorra as a residence, but lived in Barcelona. At the hearing she pleaded guilty. At the same time, the singer was not present in the courtroom because of health problems, and made her statement via videoconference from home.

The winners of this year’s International Tchaikovsky Youth Competition are 20 young musicians from Armenia, Australia, Belarus, China, Japan, Korea, Russia and the United States, aged 10 -16. Read More →

Since last night, the musicians of the Québec Symphony Orchestra are locked out by their management. The decision was taken after the management’s last offer for the renewal of the collective agreement of the musicians had been rejected. Read More →

The case of the transformations at the Paris Opera Garnier was up again yesterday, December 14, at the Paris Administrative Court. The lawyer of the plaintiffs, Maître Benoît Jorion, requested the suspension of the work and the restoration of the main hall at Palais Garnier. The ruling of the Court is expected in the coming days. Read More →

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