Drew McManus’ website Adaptistration has published the latest figures about the salaries of music directors in the United States. If the average compensation is $598,137, the lowest fee is paid by the Colorado Springs Philharmonic: $77,025. But the top ten conductors by their earning are Read More →

Die ‘Digital Concert Hall’ der Berliner Philharmoniker ist durch eine neu entwickelte App nun auch über ‘Apple TV’ verfügbar. Die App steht kostenlos im App Store zum Download bereit, entwickelt wurde sie exklusiv für Apple TV 4. Read More →

Right in the Casemates, the underground defence system built by the occupying Spanish army, later completed  by the French and the Austrians (altogether between 1644 and 1746) will take place the premiere as well as subsequent performances of the instrumental opera The Dark by Albena Petrovic. The premiere is scheduled for June 20, at 8 p.m., with two abbreviated representations on June 21 at 6 and 9 p.m. Read More →

Anfang Juni hat der Klassik-Anbieter Naxos sein international bereiuts erfolgreiches Hi-Res-Streaming- und Downloadportal Classics Online’ auch für deutsche Kunden zugänglich gemacht, die ihre Musik vornehmlich aus dem Internet downloaden oder streamen. Read More →

Commissioner Navracsics’s statement yesterday that the Commission is seeking a solution to EUYO funding is welcomed, says the Orchestra in a press release, « but in response to questions from the Council of Ministers, his replies were also inaccurate and misleading. » Read More →

Following unprecedented reaction from music and cultural organisations from Europe and across the world to the recent announcement of the impending closure of the European Union Youth Orchestra, the Council of Ministers of the European Union has agreed to discuss the issue at their next meeting in Brussels. Without any guarantee that the politicians will reverse the apparatschik’s decision to stop funding the ensemble, this is a first important victory in the campaign.


Les Frigos is one the most special art institutions in Paris. A former refrigeration station built in 1921, it gave home to some 200 artists from 1980, painters, sculptors, photographers, architects, publishers, designers and instrument makers. Jacques Rémus is one of them and on the weekend of 28/29 May, he invited to a short concert of his Thermophones. It was definitely one of the most special concerts I ever attended. Read More →

Alpha just released Nelson Goerner's latest recording, with Beethoven's Hammerklavier Sonata and Bagatelles op. 126. Remy Franck has made the following interview with the Argentinian pianist.

Mister Goerner, some of the most famous Argentinian pianists, you included, live in Europe. Why?
I think this happens because we are simply too far, geographically, from the European music centres. It would be very unpractical to have to go back and forth all the time! This is sad, for ours is a hugely musical country, and we can be surely proud to have one of the most beautiful halls in the world, the Teatro Colon. Those artists who experience this hall for the first time always do so with amazement. Read More →

Since 1987, when the record label Naxos was founded by Klaus Heymann in Hong Kong, the company has been developed into the Naxos Music Group, a global enterprise that owns, administers and/or distributes a large number of independent record labels. This means that Naxos is able to organize every year their own Music Days in Munich, where currently, from 23 to 25 May, some 170 people from classical music labels meet, discuss, share and plan. Read More →

Ton Koopman, 1944 im niederländischen Zwolle geboren, studierte Orgel, Cembalo und Musikwissenschaft in Amsterdam. Von Beginn an stand die historische Aufführungspraxis im Mittelpunkt seiner Arbeit. 1979 gründete Ton Koopman das 'Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra', 1992 dann den 'Amsterdam Baroque Choir'. Ton Koopman ist Professor an der Universität von Leiden. Remy Franck hat sich mit ihm unterhalten.

Herr Koopman, Sie geben ein Dutzend Konzerte im Monat, Sie unterrichten, halten Konferenzen… Haben Sie eigentlich Zeit für nicht-musikalische Dinge?
Doch! Ich bin noch Großvater und habe vier Enkelkinder, die mit mir spielen wollen. Read More →

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