This exciting book* should not be called ‘Shoot the conductor’ but ‘Shoot this conductor’, since it does not question the role of the conductor, quite to the contrary. The book is about a violinist who desperately wanted to be a conductor and worked as a concertmaster for conductors who were determined to prevent him stepping on the podium. Read More →

Wegen der kurzfristig und ungeplant um mindestens ein Jahr verschobenen Wiedereröffnung der Kölner Oper soll diese nun im sogenannten Staatenhaus spielen. Das war in letzter Zeit kontrovers diskutiert worden, wurde aber nunmehr vom Hauptausschuss des Kölner Stadtrats am Donnerstag beschlossen. Das Staatenhaus ist ein denkmalgeschütztes Veranstaltungsgebäude aus den 1920er Jahren, das an die Messehallen in Köln-Deutz angrenzt.

Kent Nagano
Photo: Broede

Arte concert offers worldwide streaming from Hamburg, in cooperation with Binnenalster Filmfest and City Management Hamburg: Berlioz’ Les Troyens on 19 September at 8.45 pm (MESZ): (available until 19 March 2016). Read More →

The Chopin Museum in Warsaw
(c) Remy Franck

The 17th International Chopin Competition in Warsaw will open on 1 October. 81 pianists from 20 countries will compete for awards during the three weeks long contest. Poland, China, Japan and South Korea have the biggest contingents. Read More →

Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider
(c) George Lange

Violinist Nikolaj Znaider has been appointed President of the Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition. Hosted by the Odense Symphony Orchestra, the 10th edition will take place from 16 – 22 April 2016. The competition is open for violinists of all nationalities under the age of 30. The competition’s website is open for registration and application deadline is November 1. Read More →

Dubai Opera, which will be the centerpiece of the Opera District in Downtown Dubai is now set for completion in March 2016, according to its developer, Emaar Properties. The 2,000-seat, multi-format performing arts venue is deeply rooted in Dubai’s maritime history, with the Arabian sailing vessel ‘dhow’ being the inspiration behind the architecture of the building. Read More →

Günter Hänssler, der das Label Profil gründete, nachdem er das von ihm Hänssler Classic darf sich freuen: Das von ihm mitbegründete Label Hänssler Classic nimmt er wieder unter seine Obhut. Der bisherige Firmensitz von Hänssler Classic in Holzgerlingen wird wieder nach Neuhausen verlegt. Die beiden Labels sollen damit Synergieeffekte für eine optimierte Wirtschaftlichkeit nutzen. Read More →

Das 28. Rheingau Musik Festival meldet Erfolg: Zu den 153 Veranstaltungen an 43 Spielstätten kamen in den vergangenen elf Festivalwochen 106.500 Zuhörer. Bei rund 118.000 verfügbaren Karten entspricht das einer Auslastung von 90,25 %. 

New York’s Metropolitan Opera improved its financial results. If last November, the company reported a $22 million shortfall for fiscal 2014, it has a surplus of $1 million in 2015, largely due to box-office revenues, expense reductions as well as pay cuts.

Remy Franck
(c) Bjoern Woll / ICMA

During their Chamber Music festival Spaces of music, from September 17-20 in Gniezno and Poznan, Poland, the  Zygmunt Noskowski Foundation organizes the International Conference ‘Polish music – creation, reception, promotion’. The conference comprises workshops for students and graduates in the field of musicology, music theory, culture studies and journalism. Remy Franck, Editor in chief of Pizzicato and President of the International Classical Music Awards, has been invited to hold a lecture and to appear as one of the workshops leaders. Read More →

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