Georg Philipp Telemann: Quartett d-Moll für Blockflöte, 2 Traversflöten und Basso continuo, Quartett A-Dur für Traversflöte, Violine, Viola da Gamba und Basso continuo, Quartett a-Moll für Blockflöte, Oboe, Violine und Basso continuo, Quartett G-Dur für Traversflöte, Oboe, Violine und Basso continuo, Ensemble Ventus lucundus; 1 CD Gramola 99152; Aufnahmen 9/2014, Veröffentlichung 12/2017 (52:12) – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Die Quartette stellten für Telemann das Zentrum seines Schaffens dar, da er sie im Selbstverlag herausgeben und damit beim interessierten Publikum Geld verdienen konnte. Doch auch qualitativ schuf er mit jedem ein musikalisches Kleinod. Read More →

Jörg Widmann: Violakonzert + Duos für Violine / Viola & Cello + Streichquartett Nr. 3 (Jagdquartett); Antoine Tamestit, Viola, Marc Bouchkov, Violine, Bruno Philippe, Cello, Signum Quartett, Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Daniel Harding; 1 CD Harmonia Mundi HMM 902268; Aufnahme 03/2016 + 10/2017, Veröffentlichung 02/2018 (49’02) - Rezension von Alain Steffen

Jörg Widmann gehört mich zu den besten Komponisten der Gegenwart. Er schafft  es immer wieder, durch originelle und hervorragend ausgearbeitete Kompositionen für sich einzunehmen. Seine Sprache ist modern, sicherlich, aber dennoch sehr musikantisch. Wenn ein Komponist beweist, wie musikantisch oder ‘melodisch’ atonale Musik sein kann, dann ist es Jörg Widmann. Read More →

The young Chinese flutist Yuan Yu has won the ICMA Discovery Award 2018. Yuan Yu is a student at the Conservatoire national supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris in the class of Professor Philippe Bernold, assisted by Florence Souchard-Delépine. In 2012, he won first prize in the children's section of the inaugural China Flute Association. In 2015 he was given an honorable mention at the 67th International Prague Spring Music Competition. In 2017, at the age of fifteen, he was the winner of the 7th Krakow International Flute Competition. Later in the same year, he also won first prize at the 9th Kobe International Flute Competition.He loved performing since an early age, giving his first solo recital at the age of thirteen at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing.Yuan receives a scholarship from the International Academy of Music in Liechtenstein, and takes part in the intensive music weeks and activities offered by the Academy. Remy Franck and Isabel Roth spoke with the young musician.

When did you start playing the flute?
I decided to play the flute at the age of 7. From the beginning I liked the instrument very much. I also started to play the piano, but my mother was pushing me so hard, that at the end I disliked this instrument. But, becoming older, I appreciate the piano again. Fortunately, my mother gave me more freedom with the flute, so this was easier for me. Read More →

The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and Music Director JoAnn Falletta are preparing to tour Poland in March. It will be the BPO’s first international tour in 30 years. The invitation came from Elzbieta Penderecka’s Beethoven Easter Festival in Warsaw. Read More →

Austrian conductor Manfred Honeck, Music Director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra since 2008, is ICMA Artist of the Year. Musica's Nicola Cattò met the former Vienna Philharmonic viola player (his brother Rainer is still Concertmaster) in Milan at the beginning of January, after the first of three concerts devoted to a traditional Vienna New Year repertoire that got a thunderstorm of applause in the iconic Milanese theatre.

You came back to La Scala after a 20 years gap (not counting the very recent concerts with the Academy Orchestra). A programme very much connected to your musical culture, but not at all to Italian tradition, marked this comeback. How did it work?
Actually quite well, because these musicians are technically very good. Moreover, for this music you need to be a musician with taste, with good technique and a feeling for rhythm. You need a lot of rubato, many stylistic elements that la Scala orchestra is able to give. Read More →

Richard Danielpour: Streichquartette Nr. 5 (In Search of La vita nuova), 6 (Addio), 7 (Psalm of Solace); Hila Plitmann, Sopran, Delray String Quartet; 1 CD Naxos (8.559845); Aufnahme 05/2015, Veröffentlichung 01/2018 (75'55) – Rezension von Remy Franck

Mit Richard Danielpours ‘italienischem’ Quartett beginnt das Programm dieser CD, die drei neo-romantische und programmatisch konzipierte Streichquartette des 1956 geborenen amerikanischen Komponisten enthält. Read More →

After evaluating 241 applications, 116 pianists have been admitted to the preselection phase of the 19th Paloma O’Shea Santander International Piano Competition, which will take place from July 25 to August, 2018.  Read More →

Robert Spano, 56, has announced plans to conclude his tenure as music director of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in June 2021. The 2020-21 season will mark his 20th year with the orchestra, making him one of the longest-tenured music directors of a major American orchestra. Following the 2020-21 season, he will assume the title of conductor laureate, and will continue to conduct it on a regular basis. A committee will be formed to begin the search for Spano’s successor. Read More →

Le Violon de Proust; César Franck: Sonate für Violine und Klavier, Reynaldo Hahn: Sonate für Violine und Klavier; Camille Saint-Saëns: Sonate für Violine und Klavier Nr. 1; Gabriel Tchalik, Violine, Dania Tchalik, Klavier, 1 CD Evidence EVCD036, Aufnahmen 02/2017, Veröffentlichung: 11/2017 (73:44) – Rezension von Uwe Krusch

Die Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit war das größte und zeitaufwendigste Werk des französischen Autors und Sozialkritikers Marcel Proust. Neben der Darstellung der gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen hat Proust in den zwanzig Jahren der Entstehung dieses Werkes den Wettlauf mit der eigenen ablaufenden Lebenszeit und der Erinnerung an die verlorene Vergangenheit darzustellen. Read More →

Following the unanimous recommendation of the Music Director Search Committee, the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra has named Yuga Cohler, 28, as the orchestra’s new Music Director, Broadway World Connecticut reports. Cohler will make his debut in Ridgefield on 5 May. Read More →

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