After his contested plan, to bring back Sergei Rachmaninov’s mortal remains to Russia, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Medina, seems not likely to be stopped in his sudden Rachmaninovmania. The Russian press reports that the Novgorod region, where the composer was born, is planning to restore the Rachmaninov estate which was completely destroyed during World War II.

Dimitrij Kitajenko
Photo: Gerd Mothes

Einer der weltweit bedeutendsten Dirigenten unserer Zeit, Dmitrij Kitajenko, feiert heute seinen 75. Geburtstag. Er gehört zu der früher schon seltenen und heute fast ausgestorbenen Gattung von Dirigenten, die Interpretieren nicht auf Tempi und Dynamik reduzieren, sondern den Orchesterklang als Ganzes kontrollieren und formen. Sie sind auf einer Hand aufzuzählen. Read More →

Sergei Rachmaninov

Russia’s Minister of Culture Vladimir Medina Finds the Rachmaninov family rather reluctant to his proposal of the composer’s reburial in Russia. The head of the Rachmaninov Foundation, Natalia Rachmaninov, widow of the composer’s grand-son, told the newspaper Izvestia that family members living in the United States, Costa Rica and France seem to be opposed to the transfer of Rachmaninov’s remains from the United States to Russia. According to Natalia Rachmaninov, the main obstacle is that in Sergei Rachmaninov’s grave two more people are buried: his wife and his daughter Irina. « Sergei was a deeply religious man. Is it possible to disturb the mortal remains of those buried with him? », says Natalia Rachmaninov.

Finnish violinist, Pekka Kuusisto, 38, has been appointed as Artistic Director of ACO Collective. His contract starts in 2016 and runs for three years. ACO Collective combines musicians of the Australian Chamber Orchestra with Australia’s most talented young professional musicians at the outset of their careers. As a consequence, Kuusisto will work closely with the Australian Chamber Orchestra’s Artistic Director, Richard Tognetti.

Dima Slobodeniouk
c) Marco Borggreve

The Lahti Symphony Orchestra has appointed Dima Slobodeniouk as its new Principal Conductor, starting in the autumn of 2016 when Okko Kamu’s term as chief conductor expires. Slobodeniouk’s contract will run until the spring season of 2019, and from 2016 onwards he will also become Artistic Director of the orchestra’s international Sibelius Festival. Slobodeniouk is also Music Director of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia since September 2013. Read More →

John Scott

Die Orgelwelt ist tief bestürzt über den plötzlichen, vollkommen unerwarteten Tod des englischen Organisten John Scott (1956-2015). Mit ihm hat sie einen der prominentesten Repräsentanten verloren, der wie kein anderer seiner Generation höchstes Ansehen gleichermaßen als Organist wie auch Chorleiter genoss, schreibt Wolfgang Valerius, der den Organisten noch am 19. Juli in der Abtei Himmerod in der Eifel erlebt hat. Read More →

After having rebuilt the viola organista, a bowed piano invented by Leonardo Da Vinci, Polish musician Slawomir Zubrzycki plans to release the first ever CD album with a solo viola organista recital. He therefor launched a Kickstarter campaign with goal of $10,000. « Viola organista is a unique design. At first, no one believes that the sound he hears comes from the instrument he sees, » says Zubrzycki. Da Vinci combined together two separate types of instruments: keyboard and bowed strings. To produce sound, the keyboard is used to press strings against moving wheels wrapped in horse hair (functioning as bows). Read More →

Martina Serafin (Tosca) und Davide Damiani (Scarpia)
© Armin Bardel/Arenaria

Rund 93.000 Besucher wurden im Steinbruch von St. Margarethen (Burgenland, Österreich) gezählt, wo am 15. August die letzte Vorstellung der Oper ‘Tosca’ über die Bühne ging. Insgesamt waren für 21 Aufführungen 98.500 Karten aufgelegt worden. Die Auslastung lag bei rund 95 Prozent. Die Titelpartie von Puccinis Tosca sang Martina Serafin. Sie stand mit Kollegen wie Marco Vratogna, Yusif Eyvazov, Davide Damiani und Andrea Carè auf der Bühne.

After having been beaten up severely by three men a few days ago in Moscow, Melodiya’s General Manager Andrei Krichevsky has left the hospital despite his injuries and against medical advice in order to attend a meeting about the restructuring of Author rights at the Russian Ministry of Justice. The first deputy general director of Melodiya, Karina Abramyan, told the press: « They [his aggressors] tried to prevent the meeting, but it is unlikely to be stopped. Andrei Krichevsky left the hospital with broken ribs and nose. This is one courageous act! »

The film Heliopolis (The Violin Teacher) by Brazilian Director Sergio Machado won no award, but much international attention at the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland. In this film which might recall ‘El Sistema’ models, favela kids play music under the direction of Laerte, a talented violinist, who has to give music lessons to teenagers at Heliopolis’ public school after failing to be admitted to the Sao Paulo State Symphony Orchestra. Despite the difficulties, the transforming power of music and the friendship arising between the professor and his students open the doors to a new world.

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