Chinese pianist Zhu Xiao Mei* won an ICMA Special Award 2015 with her Bach recordings for Accentus Music**. ICMA Jury member Nicola Catto has made the following interview with her.

I read in your autobiography that “the search for a proper tempo is not confined to the world of music; one must seek it in life as well”. What does it mean?
The question is very intellectual, but I will answer in a simple way. It takes time to find the good tempo: if you play five years, you’ll find it. It is a very important matter, if you have a wrong tempo, people will not follow you. You must be neutral, and this pursue will always be a long one. Read More →

Chinese pianist Zhu Xiao Mei* won an ICMA Special Award 2015 with her Bach recordings for Accentus**. ICMA Jury member Nicola Catto has made the following interview with her. Read More →

Russia’s Minister of Culture Vladimir Medina Finds the Rachmaninov family rather reluctant to his proposal of the composer’s reburial in Russia. The head of the Rachmaninov Foundation, Natalia Rachmaninov, widow of the composer’s grand-son, told the newspaper Izvestia that family members living in the United States, Costa Rica and France seem to be opposed to the transfer of Rachmaninov’s remains from the United States to Russia. According to Natalia Rachmaninov, the main obstacle is that in Sergei Rachmaninov’s grave two more people are buried: his wife and his daughter Irina. « Sergei was a deeply religious man. Is it possible to disturb the mortal remains of those buried with him? », says Natalia Rachmaninov.

Canadian tenor Jon Vickers has died at the age of 88. His family published the following message: « It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our father, Jon Vickers, after a prolonged struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. He is survived by one sister, his five children, 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. His family and dearest friends remember him for his ringing laughter, warmth, and generous spirit. A man of the land who was the most at home on his farm, surrounded by nature and his family, he had an abiding search for the truths and essences of life. » Read More →

At the World Federation of International Music Competitions, WFIMC, a new Governance system with one Board, comprising the President and six members, replaces the former two-tiered structure of a Bureau and Committee. After the first elections for this new Board, the Federation announced the appointment of Didier Schnorhk, Secretary General of the Geneva International Music Competition, as its new President. Schnorhk succeeds Glen Kwok (International Violin Competition of Indianapolis) who held the position for six years. In addition to the Board, a full time Secretary-General based in Geneva will take on the role of Chief Executive Officer. Following an extensive, international search, Benjamin Woodroffe (Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition) has been appointed as the new Secretary-General (

By Robert Toft and Robert Meunier

The Italian Renaissance has given us great music as well as great art. But the music, particularly the solo songs from the early sixteenth century, have not received the attention they deserve. When they are performed today, they lack vitality, the passion and urgency of their lyrics being poorly served by an overly cautious, stilted and under-expressive performance style. By contrast, five hundred years ago, the art of singing passionately was rooted in oration, and singers modelled their art on that of the orator or actor. Read More →

Adam’s Passion by Arvo Pärt and Robert Wilson was premiered on Tuesday, 12 May, at the Noblessner Foundry in Tallinn, Estonia. The performance will reach audiences worldwide through international tours, TV and videodisc. Adam’s Passion is also subject of the first international documentary about the composer Arvo Pärt. Read More →

Poland’s President Bronislaw Komorowski has unveiled a monument to the great pianist and statesman Ignacy Jan Paderewski in the city of Poznan.
In his speech, the President recalled the pianist’s role in the revival of the Polish state after the regaining of independence in 1918: “Paderewski used to say that Poland is his only party. He kept stressing that Poland is our common cause and that it should be respected, irrespective of one’s political sympathies and party affiliation. This is a message relevant for all of us today’ » the president said. Read More →

Pizzicato's Remy Franck met singers Thomas Hampson and Luca Pisaroni, and they spoke about singing today and at the time when Hampson started his career, about the evolution of the operatic world…

You are two singers belonging to different generations. Do you, Thomas, think that your start in your career was easier or more difficult than Luca’s?
TH: It was more difficult for him, because the value system has changed. I still worked in a system where most of the intendants of opera houses were as interested in your development as they were in selling their tickets. Today the priority is production, the priority is the success of the opera house, and there are so many young people wanting to sing that the interchangeability of who is on stage is much wider than when I started. Read More →

During their European tour 2015, Alan Gilbert and the New York Philharmonic will premiere a new one-act opera, Senza Sangue by Peter Eötvös on 1st May 1 in Cologne, Germany. The stage premiere of Senza Sangue, Eötvös’s 10th opera, will take place in 2016 in Avignon, France, alongside Bartok’s Bluebeard. Read More →

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