The Russian State Orchestra Yevgeny Svetlanov suffered a chaotic start for their tour to South America. Last Thursday, the orchestra took off from Moscow in two groups, one on an Air France flight with a connection in Paris and the other on a British Airways flight with a connection in London. A group of 40 musicians of the orchestra, was removed from the flight of British Airways at London Heathrow Airport. According to latest information, the Russian group was taken off the plane because some of the musicians were drunk and showed inacceptable  behaviour. After waiting for about 15 hours the musicians were checked in on the next flight to Rio de Janeiro, from where they were taken by bus to Sao Paulo. We hear that they arrived early enough but exhausted for the tour’s first concert, yesterday evening.

After two years of search, the New York Philharmonic today announced Chinese-born American violinist, Frank Huang (36) as their new Concertmaster and successor to Glenn Dicterow. Huang is a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Music and the Juilliard School and an award winner at the Walter Naumburg, Paganini, Hannover and Indianapolis Competitions. Huang is currently concertmaster of the Houston Symphony. He will commence his appointment in New York at the beginning of the 2015/16 season.

This year, Russian conductor Dmitrij Kitajenko is honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA). Born in 1940, Kitajenko was Music Director of the Moscow Philharmonic, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Bergen Philharmonic and the KBS Symphony Orchestra in Seoul. Some of his most outstanding recordings were realized with the Gürzenich Orchestra in Cologne, notably the complete symphonies by Tchaikovsky (Oehms Classics), Shostakovich (Capriccio) and Prokofiev (Capriccio). Remy Franck met Dmitrij Kitajenko for an interview.

Maestro, have you been born into a musical family?
Not at all! My mother was a teacher and my father an engineer. However our house was next to the choir school of the St.Petersburg Boys Choir. Since my mother had noticed that I could sing and that I successfully tried to get some music out of our piano – it was kind of a toy for me at that time, just after the war, when real toys were not available – she let me take part in a competition. Read More →

Conductor James Conlon, 64, announced that he will quit his job as Music Director of the Cincinnati May Festival at the end of the 2016 season. He held this post since 1979. The festival’s board of directors is putting together a search committee to launch an international search for his successor.

The Memphis Symphony Orchestra’s Music Director Mei-Ann Chen (41) will not renew her contract in 2016. She has this function since 2010 and the announcement of her withdrawal comes at a time where the orchestra is in financial difficulties. The MSO’s board and administration will form a search committee to find a new music director.

Das erfolgreiche Deutschland-weite Musikvermittlungs-Projekt der ARD wird fortgesetzt: Nach dem erfolgreichen Start im vergangenen Jahr mit dem ‘Dvorak-Experiment – Ein ARD-Konzert macht Schule’ geht die gemeinsame Edukationsarbeit aller Landesrundfunkanstalten in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Musikrat nun mit dem ‘Gershwin-Experiment’ in die nächste Runde. Read More →

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphonien Nr. 6 & 8; Beethoven Orchester Bonn, Stefan Blunier; 1 CD MDG 937 1883-6; o.A. (69'13) – Rezension von Remy Franck

Bei dieser CD sieht es folgendermassen aus:
1. Wer die Symphonien Nr. 6 und 8 in guten Interpretationen besitzt, braucht diese Neueinspielung nicht.
2. Wer die beiden Werke unbedingt mit dem Beethoven-Orchester Bonn hören will, wird nicht enttäuscht. Read More →

The National Symphony Orchestra and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington announced today that Christoph Eschenbach (74) will not extend his position as Music Director after the conclusion of the 2016-2017 season. He will then have completed seven seasons as Music Director and an additional season as Music Director Designate. Read More →

The 23 years old Russian violinist Yury Revich - he is based in Vienna - is ICMA's Young Artist of the Year 2015. Having performed at Carnegie Hall and at La Scala, Musikverein, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall and many others, he has his own concert series in Vienna, he is Artistic Director of the European-Russian Society for International Cooperation, he made some successful recordings and lives out his creativity also in filming and painting.

Yury, what does being ICMA’s ‘Young Artist of the Year’ mean to you?
It’s a great honor of course, I’m very happy that my dedication to music and arts is recognized with this fantastic award, and I’m sure it will bring me many new and wonderful opportunities! Read More →

Naxos announced the worldwide launch of its high-definition and lossless classical music streaming service. It is the first such service to launch worldwide and use adaptive bitrate streaming technology. ClassicsOnline HD•LL allows subscribers to listen to classical music at the highest possible sound quality available on their home or mobile networks without buffering or loss of signal. The new platform also provides high-definition, lossless, and MP3 download options. Read More →

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